Wilson Audio Haters

I've always wondered why there are so many people out there, that more than any other speaker manufacturer, really hate the Wilson line. I own Maxx 2's and also a pair of Watt Puppys. They are IMHO quite wonderful.

Why does Wilson get so much thrashing?


Showing 17 responses by plutos

There is actually some truth in bo`s mantra. We have a local dealer here who carries MA line and I can confirm that PL line is capable of magical 3D stage that majority of other brands can`t touch.
Despite it is not the absolute best player in all areas as it seem from bo´s postings. I personally feel that PL line from MA sounds a bit light. Nice tonality but it`s missing the energy and dynamics of Focal Utopia and Electra line that I`m also familiar with.
It`s simple. No trial no errors ....... Bo simply knows. Buy MA and that`s it!
Yes we don´t understand what this mythical and indeterminate " Tru-Fi " actually is so please explain us what rituals you do that all your systems sound so much better than all others?   
I wonder if some of us become Bo`s client`s, do we all start to think and write exactly same way as Bo?

He is being generous by contributing here to share his knowledge about Tru-Fi and the way it can be applied using properties to music reproduction systems and installations. 
Sadly we have not heard a word about how he measures and applies this magical Tru-Fu spell...

Audiogon is a lot of fun for me. I need to laugh all the time when I read the reactions
Yes for me too. I got a good laugh when I saw your system set up so "proffesionally". All nicely lined up against the wall.
Tru-Fu is probably hiding behind the curtains?
......your head is 2 dimensional lol :)
Do you seriously think that some crappy messed up network player can compete with Marantz SA-1?
I have owned the Olive 06HD as I have loads of other digital. Olive is sonically light years from SA-1.
And yes I have also done a lot of shootouts from Accuphase to Zanden.
As for Pass X150 I sold it over 10 years ago. For it´s used price it is great amp. Much better than some alephs.

We are all deeply thankful to Bo for his continuous enlightenment!
Bo is a king of audio!


LOL :)


I can confirm again that MA PLII series are some special speakers. Very nice sounding and the stage is very spatial. I have listened these many times with different amps and they are far from distorted sounding. Vast majority of other brands are just a bit boring and mid-fi sounding. No need to even a-b or some blind tests.

JL makes one of the best subs available and for a reasonable price. I have F112 myself and must say that they have incredible customer service as-well. I must also thank Barry from Soundoctor. Very helpful and knowledgeable person. Barry has a guide with test CD on how to properly set up JL sub that I can recommend. It is very profound. Nothing that you will find on some webpage. Anyway you have extremely good speakers. Don`t worry what some measures or thinks.

Sorry I don`t agree. Even the biggest speakers like Focal Grand EM benefit from properly installed subs. Of course you need a fast sub that matches your mains.
Your statement may be somewhat correct if your listening room is very small but again then there are more reflection bass than a real pure bass.

Anyway the main topic here seems to be our beloved BO.
So I did a quick google on our mighty leader and enlightener Bo.
It seems that it`s not at all about MA. He has probably fallen in love in some some artifactial DSP surround. 
I will continue in my next post.
Long live our big leader and pathfinder Bo!

I use the Onkyo PR-SC5509 these days as a pre amp. With Audyssey Volume and EQ you can reveal details which are not there even with the best highend pre amp. I give you a few examples. Compared to the XP-20 you hear word endings on a sss, ttt of th so much more clear than with the XP-20 .

Now I need to push this.

Soooooo........... to all serious audiophiles!
2017 is a yeat of Tru-Fu coming and we all will be blessed and enlihtened.

A second coming of our big leader and the mysterious Onkyo DSP.

1. Evey serious audiophile must use Onkyo 5509 as a preamp and procces the signal through it`s messed up DSP to hear it`s artificial 3D  surround effects. It`s leading to real 3D sound that will go up to 8m behind the loudspeakers.

2. No room treatment or proper placement needed! All can be compensated through a messed up digital room correction programs.

Now I need to push this again.


No, No! The sub really helps but you need to take some time to install and blend it correctly. Today we have many subs that can act fast and can be integrated perfectly to top high-end systems. 
Barry from Soundoctor has one of the most complete guides for this job.

Cables are mostly snake oil and somewhat woodoo market. All You need is a nice (preferrably) monocrystal silver cabling with nice Teflon  cover (from a real manufacture who has the license).

Also a very big influence is in the the connectors that most $$$$$$ brands seem to forget. These must be also a solid very high content copper or better a pure silver because silver is just a better conductive material.

As far if you don`t mess your cables with PC or other cables you don`t need shielding. In my experience unsealded sounds a bit better.
I believe that the word "hate" is used far too often to describe what is more accurately disagreement or difference of opinion. In the current environment any opposing perspective is so quickly  (and easily) deemed to be hate  (ful).
Well said Charles!