Wilson Audio Haters

I've always wondered why there are so many people out there, that more than any other speaker manufacturer, really hate the Wilson line. I own Maxx 2's and also a pair of Watt Puppys. They are IMHO quite wonderful.

Why does Wilson get so much thrashing?


Showing 5 responses by meerzistar

Is it true some models come with a divorce kit? Alexandria's left a favorable impression audibly, visually they kept reminding me of the transformers. 

Thank you for the lengthy description of 2D bo. Despite the ignorance plaguing board discussions at times, I for one find all this very interesting.

Great stuff It brings another question to mind. Will we see, hear rather a 4D or even a 5D system any time in the the near future, or even in our lifetime? Maybe I am jumping way too far ahead of technology.

It costs more so it has to sound better.

Don't invest in a gold mine invest in a high end speaker company.

When its put in a cost perspective I can think of a speaker I could hate, or hate to love rather.   
Cone material sometimes makes subtle it can make subtle yet very very sweet difference gold ears arent required to hear sweet natural timbre of percussion. I think vocals sound most realistic on speakers with paper cones also, that I have heard. among other strengths they have. all the top line speaker manufacturers their best lines are more often paper.

I like how bo thrashed on paper cones its old forgotten tech and how he eloquently puts people that favor natural material stupid in another speaker topic haha then in this topic hes praising it like that never happened.

My subs have paper cones, they are some of the most natural sounding Ive heard regardless sof cost. Again I dont think golden ears are required, nothing like that, you just have to listen.