Wilson Audio Haters

I've always wondered why there are so many people out there, that more than any other speaker manufacturer, really hate the Wilson line. I own Maxx 2's and also a pair of Watt Puppys. They are IMHO quite wonderful.

Why does Wilson get so much thrashing?


Showing 7 responses by itzhak1969


I don’t undrestand what’s the point to buy speakers with 4(!) 8’ (!) bass drivers and add a sub for them.
Maybe I’m missing here Something ,it looks very strange to me if such huge speakers as the MA PL 500 with its 4 x 8’ bass drivers (!) can’t produce enuogh bass so required additional subwoofer ???

I really don’t get it something must be wrong with this speakers...

Good Hi Fi system should produce enuogh bass without adding sub otherwise something is wrong with the speakers, amplification (not enough power ?) ,cables or the listening room.
"It seems that it`s not at all about MA. He has probably fallen in love in some some artifactial DSP surround.
I will continue in my next post. "

Your comment is perfect adding a sub is no more than addiction to artificial unnecessary extra bass .


Maybe the amplification doesn’t have enuogh power to drive the MA, maybe the cables need ugrade or the listening room is very big I don’t now ....

The MA 500 should handle low frequencies properly without adding sub .

I own 2.5 way speakers which are very simple  to drive and I agree that full range speakers may go lower but are extremely difficult to drive, there is no shortage of LF at my listening room , Sometimes  I miss my sub once watching action movies but for music listening adding a sub to my system is absolutely unnecessary. 
Thanks to Bo1972 we have hilarious tread, His point of view is very narrow black & white theory, more than since fiction than theory really.