Wilson Audio Haters

I've always wondered why there are so many people out there, that more than any other speaker manufacturer, really hate the Wilson line. I own Maxx 2's and also a pair of Watt Puppys. They are IMHO quite wonderful.

Why does Wilson get so much thrashing?


Showing 50 responses by bo1972

Why the word hate? Everyone can have their own opinon.

I visited many Wilson Audio owners in the last 12 years. They are not easy speakers to drive or use in most houses.

In the past I visited many who had acoustic problems. This is based for a part on the design. The material they use for their drivers is not that fast, this makes it more difficuolt to controle. Beside this theu need current to control it.

Even with Krell amps I often miss the layers other speakers are able to give. 

The thing I don't understand why they use out dated dome tweeters which got till 23khz of 27khz.

A clint of mine owned the Sasha, he had difficulties in the high frequencies. It is ridiculous for the prive they cost that thye use this limited level of tweeters.

Also in stage depth and width there are enough speakers who are able to create a much bigger stange.

This year the Monitor Audio Pl-200 II outperfromed the Sasha like it was a speaker in a lower price range. People have no idea that the technique of the new Platinum series outperforms a Sasha that easy. This is a hard truth for people who spend a lot of money on their speakers.

In the past I also did shootouts between Wilson Audio and the older Platinum series. 

Stereophile is the first magazine who has the gutts to tell the truth. And explains why the Platinum is a better speaker than the Wilson is. I can promiss that they are even polite. In real the difference between the Sasha and Pl-200 II is huge. When people would hear it themselves it will change your thoughts about Wilson and also about audio.

Audio is not about paid stories, but about the real sound and quality during a shootout. These shootouts tell the truth, they are a lot differrent than what you read.

Read it yourself:


In real audio is a lot different than what you read. Audio should be all about the best quality in each price range.

Most reviews are paid these days and this way consumers do not get the real information about a loudspeaker.

When you compare the new Monitor Audio Platinum with different Wilson Audio loudspeakers there is no other way than conclude that the material they use is outdated. This has nothing to do with personal tast. It can be auditioned and understood by each single person.

Using 'cheap' dometweeters does not make sense at all. Based on the properties it is insane to use this in 2016 (almost 2017)

They should use better materials. Different shootouts showed that the drivers are too slow and are not able to let you hear all the layers you should hear. Again it has nothing to do with persona taste. We are talking about facts.

Listen to the new Platinum series. These days they use ceramic drivers with carbon fiber.

A client of mine owned the Sasha and only plays classical music. The new Platinum II ouperformed the Sasha in realism. The Sasha was not able to create the realism in sound and layers

The slow drivers coulours the sound of realism. The other limitation is that the layers in the low frequency were missing when we listend to the Sasha.

The Platinum 2 could reveal much more details in the whole frequency range compared to the Sasha.

Monitor Audio has build their own factory in China supervised by English people. The store and shipment is still in England.

Audio is about the quality in sound. In this part it outperforms the Wilson. For example the new AMT tweeter is superior in each part you judge a tweeter for.

The new Platinum can easily let you hear the differences in height of a recording. When you listen to the Sasha, the instruments and voices are played at the same height. This is a lower level in quality. Again this has nothing to do with personal taste.

In the world of highend, stage depth and width are essential parts. The new Platinum series can build a wider and deeper stage. Beside this the individual focus of instruments and voices is more intimate and sharper than the Wilson. This means a higher level in quality.

Audio is all about music. Music is all about emotion.

When you want to be able to hear all the emotion the music possess than you need an audio system what can reveal all this information.

That is why we work by Tru-Fi. Tru-Fi consists of 8 parameters you judge sound for. This has nothing to do with personal taste. But is based on the human emotion. Each part of Tru-Fi influences our emotion.

We learned in over 18 years of time to subtract each single part of an audio system. We test each single audio tool on what the DNA is.

We build an audio system by properties of all the tools togheter in each system. We can proof and demo that each audiosystem by Tru-Fi owns a higher level of emotion and intensity.

Audio is normally chosen by trial and error. This means people connect an amp, speaker, source and cables togheter en judge.

The limitation of this all is that you will never understand why the stage and sound is what you hear. For us it is very simple to explain to people who have created an audio system by trial and error that it is incomplete.

Incomplete means it misses parts of Tru-Fi. From experience I can tell that people understand directly what is missing and what this part is and does.

Read what Tru-Fi means:



We want to give each single person the highest level in sound&vision possible. We don’t focus on a name or brand but on the quality and properties we are looking for.

We do a lot of reserach and tests. And we listen to new products to see if the quality would add to our demands. We don’t care about the name or brand. We want the best quality in each price range at the moment we life.

Only the best counts and 2nd and 3th best does not add anything in our world. In vision we work at the same level. We know in each price range what the best screen is. This is the only one we sell. We calibrate each screen with the best calibration system in the world.

When a loudspeaker is not able to create a lot of stage depth and width, we will never sell it. Don’t forget that over 99% of all audio systems which are being sold are 2 dimensional.

Yesterday we did a test with the new Esoteric N-05. The person who does Esoteric in the Benelux visited over a week ago a shop who also has the B&W 800D3.

They did test many amps on the 800D3 and they said; we were not able to create more than 1 metre of stage depth. I can garantee for 100% thas this is the max.

When you own a loudspeaker of 30.000 dollar and it only can create 1 metre of stage depth you limit yourself.

I can garantee you 100% that a loudspeaker who creates a stunning 3 dimensional holographic stage will influence your emotion and level of exitement a lot.

I do never copy a text, but yes I write often the same kind of information. I want to keep it as simple as possible.

I visited many people with expensive systems. Most of them were not happy with their system. Now they know that the flat stage was an important part why they did not want to listen to their system anymore.

Based on the experience of people and their information I stopped selling any kind of 2D audio. The level of becoming one with the music is of a much lower level.

How stuppid can you be to use the word hate. I do not hate any kind of brand. I want people in audio to become more open and honest to consumers.

The focus need to be more on quality instead of making the most money. The way companies work in audio will decrease the market each single year.

When you want to persuade more people to buy audio, you need to give them quality. I met so many people in the last years that were not happy with their system. The main reason is the lack of knowledge and insight in audio. But also the low level of quality you see in many products.

This will only have a bad influence on the market. I would love to see Wilson Audio to use new and beter materials. So consumers will get more value for money.

I think about B&W the same way. They should focus more on quality. For example better crossovers, new design in tweeters. I don’t hate any brand.

They all see that the market is decreasing. But when you focus on short time distance and you use cheaper parts than people will walk away.

I love music and audio to death. I want to share my passion with as many people possible. Giving them the highest level in realism and emotion.

5 weeks ago we visit an audio show with 30 rooms. We were with about 8 persons. Most also work in audio. We all agreed that all systems were 2 dimensional. 

Most products in audio are 2 dimensional, that is fact you cannot change. For an audio system what create a huge 3 dimensional stage each single product needs to be able to create it.

Wilson Audio owns crossovers who are also able to create a good deep and wide stage. These days we also see pictures of Wilson Audio loudspeakers driven by 2 dimensional amps.

Here you see that people have no idea which amps can create a deep and wide stage an which can't.
In 2 years of time when I run a shop I had a huge room with many speakers. I always had a 2 dimensional system ready and a 3 dimensional system.

The difference on how people (many who never spend serious moneu on audio) reacted to the differences made me stop selling 2 dimensional audio.

3 dimensional sound brings you closer to the artists. I talked to many people with 2 dimensional systems. You often hear that after time they are not that interested anymore in listening to music.

The people who own a 3 dimensional system use there sets a lot more. People who work in audio need to give their clients the highest level in sound quality possible. No person will be very happy with a 2 dimensional system. You cannot change this. This is how the human emotion works.

In the last years I have met new clients who were never been that happy with their systems. I brought them all to a 3 dimensional system. Their reactions are priceless.

But this is only a part of Tru-Fi. Because diversity in sound is even more important. Based on a lot of research and tests  we are now able to create a higher of diversity in sound as well.

It is very simple all people will always prefer the sound what reveals the highest level in emotion.

Yesterday we compared the Lumin S1 against the new Esoteric N-05. The stage of the S1 is a lot deeper and wider. So here again you see how important the dna is of each part you judge sound for.

I have been addicted to music and sound all my life. Togheter with friends we frequently visit live concerts. And we see that also overhere there is a lot to improve. Soon we will start doing tests with S.A.P. for live music.
Dear meerzistar,

we call a system 2 dimensional when the stage depth is 1 metre max.

Many 2 dimensional systems have even a lot less. So when you put some music on, voices and instruments are al most standing on the same line.

What this does with your emotion is that the music is less involving and people often use the words; it is more standing away from you.

When you listen to the same music in a 3 dimensional system, the voices and instruments are more separated from eachother but also separated in depth.

You are pulled into the music and you become more one with the music. When I changed from 2d to 3D you always see the smile on the faces of people. 

Their reactions was the reason why I stopped selling 2 dimensional sound. I work on behave of the people who wants to buy an audio system. I want to give them the best possible, not second best.

When I was them I would only want the best. I become them and I make the same decisions as I would make for myself.

Music is a part of my life and I want others to get the same addictive feeling as I experience.

I would like to see that more brands are able to creat stage depth and width. In the over 18 years of time I have tested so many products. It is like an addiction.

I owned and sold 2 dimensional audio for a long time. It is not a bad thing. But I know why people prefer 3 dimensional sound far over 2 dimensional audio. The thing is that it has nothing to do with expensive audio.

By all the research I did I found out that some brands which are not that expensive are able to create it. In 2007 I started to look for products and brands what could create the same kind of exitement as the expensive systems I owned.

The positive thing about the time we live now, is that is is so much more easy to create a stunning level in sound for a lot less money compared to the past. That is why we want to give as many people possible a high level in quality for prices many people can afford.

In the past I visited different people with Wilson Audio loudspeakers. They needed cables like Transparent to tame the tweeter.

It is difficult for me to understand why they use a 23khz tweeter in the Sasha. It was clear that it had difficulties with different recordings. A speaker in this price range should own a tweeter what can handle each recording and alos Hi Res with ease. But this is not the case.

Even with MIT Oracle cables ( which tame the high fequencies like hell) the high frequencies still were not under controle.

Even a Momentum poweramp did not solve it as well. It is a cheap dome tweeter what does not cost a lot of money.

If I would create a speaker in this price range, I would use superior materials and techniques. The looks of the Wilson Audio loudspeakers are allowed in the US. But in Europe we see them as outdated in looks.

The need to restyle it soon. Maybe now his son is in charge he will change it. The response of the drivers need to be a lot faster.

People focus on brands all the time in audio. They think when we buy products with great reviews  we will have an awesome system.

Audio does not work like that. You can use it this way but at the end trial and error always will be very ineffective.

You can create a superior level in sound when you would focus on just properties of each single part of your sustem.

That is why I say: we don’t care about a name, but we are just interested in properties a brand or product can give us.

Based on the properties togheter of a product we decide if it fits into our Tru-Fi. The focus is always on Tru-Fi.

Tru-Fi makes it possible to use all the qualities/properties a loudspeaker owns. Because we want to know the DNA of each single loudspeaker.

Then we know which quality/properties it owns. It is our goal to reveal all the properties and quality the speaker can give.

But when you will use this speaker and create your system by trial and error. I can garantee you that it is impossible to use all the properties it owns.

And you know why?

Because you are not able to know what the properties of each part of your system are. Most of the choices you made these are products which do not own all the parts of Tru-Fi.

At the end you are not able to use all the properties/qualities of the speaker you own.
We sell many parts like cables, sources, conditioners and modifications to many peole with expensive sets. Money does not garantee you anything.

You have no idea what we created and what we do. Most things we will never post or share. I can garantee you that it will change the world in audio in 2017.

We are far ahead in knowledge and insight than all other people are. We have now a specialist in Marketing and we will share the knowledge and ideas with manufacturers.

It outperforms anything in highend audio at this moment. It is that more precise and natural sounding. When I say: we create and sell a sound. It is a new approach.

This is a new level in creating audio systems. What is superior in effectivity. This is based on the fact that trial and error is ineffective to create an audio system.

We work and think based on the human emotion. This creates a much higher level in realism and quality.

This will give people a new level in listening to their beloved music.
We will invite many people in 2017. Everyone is welcome in our world. We will never disclude any person. We create it to make other people want to buy more audio. 

We want to give people a much higher level in realism and emotion during listening to the music they love.
Dear Shadorne,

The Pl-500 is the most relaxt loudspeaker I have auditioned sofar. I also auditioned the Alexandria 2 and this demo was rarther poor. Still it was the setup of the distributer.

My perfectionism is this huge that each single kind of imperfection makes me F. irritated. It needs to be perfect, flawless.

With classical music the Pl-200 could reveal details of instruments which were not auditionable with the Sasha. Beside this the layering in the lowest freq. missed information as well.

When you compare the 100khz AMT tweeter against the 23khz dome tweeter of the Sasha, the differences could not be bigger. The AMT not only reveals more details and information but has so much more authority and grip on the high freq.

The new drivers are in response faster than anything we auditioned sofar. 2 weeks ago a person who’s biggest passion is music an audio. He owns a system far over 50.000 dollar. He said; this is the best low freq I ever auditioned. He called it reference low frequency.

I have to admit that S.A.P. creates a superior timing what never can be created by any kind of old school highend audio. But you still need fast drivers.

The accuton drivers have a coloration what I call: the mjeh sound. You hear it when you compare a violin/cello in real. Played by systems who use accuton drivers a violin sounds a lot more clean and misses the layering in sound a violin can reveal.

The old drivers of the first Platinum series were also made of ceramics with some aluminium. Accuton uses similar construction. I owned the Pl-300 of the first Platinum series. I liked them, but I did not like the mid freq. of this speaker. It was a different coloration compared to accuton drivers. I could not listen to classical music with these speakers.

It needs to sound as in real or I cannot bare it. The Pl-200 which came out in 2010 used new crossovers and with classical music it sounded much more natural.

But the new drivers of the new Platinum series are a lot different. What I said; we never auditioned so many layers in sound than with the new Platinum series.

A voice coil limits the timing of a driver. The technique Monitor Audio uses is superior in timing. And mannnn this makes a huge difference. At low volume it can build so much more dynamics and layering in the lowest freq.

What they changed as well it using carbon fiber on the back of each driver. And this creates a much lower level of distortion. With classical music you get a superior level of realism and layering in sound.

When you own the Pl-500 and you visit clients, shows and other shops it is F. insane at what level of quality and realism they listen to.

When we visit shops, new clients, audio shows and distributers we always go back in time. We listen to systems with many mistakes and parts of Tru-Fi which are missing.

They all have acoustic problems, we do not  have them anymore for many years now. When I see a picture of audio systems in most situation I know that the combination does not make sense at all.

This is based on the properties they connected to eachother. But they use audio by trial and error. They do not  know the properties of each single part. That is why I call it audiogambling.

When I ask the question: can you tell me why the stage and sound is what we hear? And no one can answer it, it stops for me.

Dear Dave,

my religion is very important in my life as well. That is why I protect each single client. And I will always do the best I can to give them the best possible for the money they spend.

In the last years I met too many people who were not advised on a honest and respectful way. That is why I would like to see a more open and honest world in audio.

This only can be achieved when people have more respect to the people who buy their products. 

have a nice Christmas.

Dear Mesch,

audio is all about collecting the right stuff togheter. It costs  time and devotion to create it. 

It is very easy to F. up a 3 dimensional system into a 2 dimensional system.

have a nice Christmas
Dear Dave,

I have done thousands of tests, and I understand how 3 dimensional sound works and what you need. The reason why it is difficult, is that  most products and brands are 2 dimensional.

This means when you bring one 2 dimensional product into a system what owns only 3 dimensional products, you go back to an almost 2 dimensional stage.

All the results showed the same outcome, over and over again. This is why audio is shootout. Audio is for me like a big puzzle, and I want to understand everything.

So you need to test over and over again. Hundreds of times each single year. This is how addicted and commited I am to sound. Creating new information. And mann I love it. This is not work, this is a part of who I am since I was a child. It has become my second nature. And I can do it blind.

The funny  thing is that when I tell people I have done thousands of tests in audio they really think; he is making it up. But everything I say is exactly as I wrote and told it.

The good thing about Wilson Audio is that Wilson is a very commited person who wants to create great products. You don't have to like them, based on the fact you don't like the sound. But how stuppid you would be to say: I hate them.

Hate is a word when you dislike these people so much that it makes you angry. So that is why I say: I would use faster materials and tweeters which will better fit to hi res recordings. And will have more grip.

This is only a personal opinion, nothing more nothing less. Why for God sake you use the word hate? I wish each single company in audio the best. When I visit people and I see over and over agian the same limitations. I write it down. And I hope the companies will do it differently the next time. To give their clients the best products.

What is wrong to give this information? Nothing is perfect, neither are we. But when we help eachother more people will have better quality. No one should be excluded.

First listen to the new Platinum series and then give an opinion. I am even prepared to talk to Wilson about the problems people have with their Wilson Audio loudspeakers.

When I say: I never auditioned a loudspeaker what can reveal so many layers of a recoding. It is a personal experience. But I never auditioned this at any client I visited with Wilson Audio loudspeakers.

At the end it is just a personal experience, don't make a big deal of it all the time. 

Same thing when I said: I never could hear the diversity in height of recordings so obvious. This is the truth and each single person I gave a demo experienced it the same way.

With the the Sasha we could hear that all the instruments had the same level in height. This was with the system of my client. It is just based on this system.

The new Platinum drivers are superior in timing, control, dynamics and layering than we had with the Sasha.

I would be even prepared when we get a Wilson Audio loudspeasker to demo it. In 2017 we will start a videoblog as well. Beside our own language we will do it in english as well.

We want to use it to share information about sound&vision. For us audio is all about shootout and what we can hear. At the end it is to give people the highest level in quality.

In 2017 we will audition many new products and when we think it is better than what we have, we will change it. I know it is different, but we are different. Because we believe that this is the best way to give people the highest quality.

I am a perfectionist, in each single thing I buy I do research to find out what is the best. It is inside my system since I was a child. This is how I sell and advice sound&vision.

And all people in audio have the same changes to do it their way. May the best win. And yes I want to become the best in sound&vision in the world. I will never do it for anything less. 

Others in this world have to proof they can do it better. So proof it...

Tru-Fi has nothing to do with any kind of equipment. There are different aspects you can hear when you listen to a system.

I give you an example: Diversity in sound is the most important part to create emotion for us humans. It is a part of Tru-Fi

A few days ago we did a shootout between the S1 (AudioFacts modified) and the new Esoteric N-05. The person who does Esoteric in the Benelux visit me and wanted to do a shootout.

The difference in diversity in sound was huge. The S1 was able to reveal a lot more layers in the whole freq. range. Voices were not only richer, but you could hear the layers of a voice. When we listend to the same music withe the Esoteric it was like the layers were gone.

There was no connection witht the music. Like the emotion was gone. With the S1 you directly are connected with the music.

A friend of mine gave classical live concerts for about 60 people in his house. Here I learned that voices and instruments are very direct and small in dimenson.

I was hypnotized when I closed my eyes and I heard a voice live. I call this intimate sound. It is a part of Tru-Fi.

You want to hear voices as realistic possible. They need to be small and own the same size as in real. When a voice  becomes more physical apparant we talk about a higher black level. This is also a part of Tru-Fi

With the right properties you can create a higher black level.  It is very easy to compare parts in how good they are in this part. What we do is we use music and pick one part of Tru-Fi and explain it to our clients.

When you compare for example cables, the differences in how big instruments anv voices are in proportion is big. Same about how physical these voices and instruments are tangible.

Tru-Fi makes is easier for people to understand what the differences are between cables, amps, sources, speakers etc.

Tru-Fi has nothing to do with any brand or product. The focus is on the sound you can hear at the end. And you want to hear all the layers of the music. Toy want to hear the space of the room. You want to hear the diversity in sound, You want to hear the place in depth and width of an instrument and voices. You want to hear the differences in height of instruments when they used microphones at different heights.

The Esoteric could create stage depth and width. But the stage of the S1 was so much deeper and wider. This is dna you cannot change.

The S1 was a lot more dynamic and controled. This is the difference in dna as well. Like instruments and voices became more free and apparent withe the S1. Instruments and voices were a lot less tangible with the Esoteric. 

The person who brought the Esoteric said at the first song within 10 seconds; okay clear, no comparison. 

We are talking about superior quality between the S1 and the Esoteric.

In this year we have done a lot of research in smog, electricity, magnetism and diversity in sound. With different technical people we developed new parts and ideas to modify sources, amps and powersupplies. We made huge progress in many products.

Perfectionism goes on and on in my head. It never stops and it always needs to become better. So we go on testing. I work with great people who are also autistic in audio like me. Togheter we create new thoughts in audio. 

I have ideas in my head all the time, and I use their technical support to create it. This is their specialism. For me this is what I love most. It becomes very addictive when the results are mindblowing.

2017 will be the year we share it with manufacturers and customers. We have done it with many people all ready. But now we will make it public as well. 

Only at small concerts and at a few jazz concerts I have auditioned a 3 dimensional stage. But we have many ideas for live music as well.

Soon we will do the first tests with S.A.P.-measurement  for live music as well. When it works as we think it will we hope to publish it as well.

We have done tests in a hall with a ceiling of about 8 metres. The result were the same as in a small room. But now we will use it for live music.

It outperforms any silly system created by trial and error.

I hope your separate budget tweeter doesn't fail on your speaker. I know your Esoteric very well. In my world this is inferior audio. I am even prepared to demo it especially for you :)
We compared the Esoteric K-01X with the Meridian 800daxv4 and 808 several times. The Meridians sounded much more analogue and had a much better individual focus of instruments and voices. The owner of the Esoteric had to admit that the Meridian sounded much more analogue. He also listened most of the time to his recordplayer.

You can modify it but still the dna you cannot change. Audio is all about shootout and comparison.

The Tannoy tweeter is not that special anymore at the time we live. We auditioned it several times and did not blend well with many loudspeakers.

I tested several silver PCs as well. I was not a fan of it. Jim Aud of Purist Audio has the same idea’s as I have. He only made one because people asked for it.

Silver loudspeakercables and interconnects is a whole different story.

You will hear and see it soon, trial and error will never be effective.
Each brand who makes sources has its own dna how it builds the stage. I also sold different modified Marantz sources.

What you cannot change is that it is a 2 dimensional source and it will stay like that also after a modification.

Even when you own speakers and amps who are able to build a 3 dimensional stage, the source needs this dna as well.

in 2015 I brought 2 brothers from a 2D stage to a 3D stage. They both owned Marantz sources. Shootouts proved these sources limited them in the stage of their system. So the Marantz sources had to go!
3 dimensional sound is not about money, it is all about properties. But the problem is that knowledge and insight is very limited in audio.

I give you an example; people think when I buy tubes I get a more musical sound and more emotion.

In the last few weeks people visited me who own expensive tube amps; like AudioResearch and Absolare.

They were stunned that my sound is even more involving than their sound and owns so much more layers. These layers influences our emotion the most.  I do not use tubes. Read the articles of the Pass labs XS-300. When I have the money I will buy a set of these.

You have no idea how much further I can get into sound and change each parameter of sound. Audio is your hobby, I earn my money with it. I never saw it as work. It is in my blood. It is inside my head.

I can adjust each single part you judge sound for. With this you can create a superior level in realims what never will be possible by trial and error. Even when you spend 1 million of dollars.

S.A.P. can reveal details which you cannot hear with a pre amp of 50.000 dollar. Money does not create the same level of details. Money will not give the same level in timing. 

It is insane that many companies in audio have been sleeping for a long time. Many think it is still 1980.

Without giving a name, I can garantee for 100% that many highend manufacturers of expensive loudspeakers often use 2 dimensional amps and sources.

They often use the wrong cables. They have no idea of the properties. It is just a guess what they do. But audio does not work like that and it never will. You need to learn to look further!
There is a reason why they are fatiguing, this is based on the fact of missing grip in a that particular frequency range.

The people who don’t like the things I write, are not able to handle the truth. Because thye do not want to read what I write.

This is your personal limitation. Read the Stereophile again and read the comparison between the Wilson Sabrina and the Pl-300. And why it is a better loudspeaker.


I would suggest to compare a Pl-500 with An Alexia. We will see if we can arrange it in 2017. I love shootout. Audio is all about the truth and not about a paid review.

The Sasha showed fatiguing in the high freq. many times. The Pl-200 II with the same music was flawless. This need to be demoed to the Wilson Audio people. Then I want to talk to them. This is how audio should be compared.

The people who react negative on my remarks own brands and products I made remarks of. The truth is difficult to handle sometimes.

In audio the best and most convincing sound will always win.
@soundsrealaudio                                                                                                                                                                                                             It is a lot easier than that. Just sell your 2D audio set and go on a nice trip with your partner.
It depends what your rules are of the level in stage depth.

In my world each system with one metre of stage depth is 2 dimensional.

The Pl-500 can outperform even a Wilson Audio Alexandria in stage depth, width and especially in diversity of height. 

These parts are essential in the world of highend. But there is more.....also in layering in the whole frequency range the Pl-500 can reveal details a Wilson Audio Alexandria cannot show.

I will ask for a shootout, this is how audio should be used.
Ricred1 is an honest man who tells his true thoughts. I had a client with the Sasha who also had the same feelings and thoughts Ricred1 has.

It was a fact the Pl-200 II could reveal more details and layers. And it created a much bigger stage as well. Money covers the truth about audio.

Money rules and limits consumers to get the real information you want and need.

When people have no idea how music (instruments and voices) sounds in real you can sell them any kind of audio. There is no reference frame for them to compare.

That is why we want to give demos with real musicians and instruments. For example; To show what intimate sound does with our emotion. We also have thoughts about using curtains. Intimate sound is a part of Tru-Fi. It influences our emotion a lot. We can proof this by sound.

I often asked the question overhere: what do you want to hear?

- The truth, or the thing you would like to hear.

* When you test and compare like we do, you will hear that the truth is a lot different than what people write.

When a highend speaker is able to create a deeper and wider stage, and also more diversity in height, this speaker is better than a speaker who build a less deep, wide and high stage. This has nothing to do with personal preference.

When a speaker is able to create more layers and details of the music, it is better than a speaker who show less.

When a speaker has a better timing and more control and layers in the lowest frequencies, it is better than a speakeer who show less details in this part.

When a speaker has more grip on the high frequencies and reveals more details, it is better in this area. There is no discussion possible.

So please stop the bullshit stories about preference. That is why is said many times; highend audio needs parameters. The way it works now , it is a free world. And you can say whatever you want to say.

In my world audio is all about shootout and the truth. So arrange a shootout between Wilson Audio and a Monitor Audio Pl-500. How difficult can it be?

When you can’t handle the truth, you are the one who limits yourself!
My client of the Sasha played with the Ref 75SE and Momentum stereo poweramp. Both missed different parts of Tru-Fi

People have to learn that diversity in sound is the most important part to create emotion during listening to music.

For example a Pass labs poweramp is a lot better in diversity in sound compared to the Momentum stereo poweramp. The Momentum also misses layers in the lowest freq. range. It also is not able to double the power when you go from 8ohm to 4ohm. The Pass creates a deeper and more controlled low freq with even more layers. In the mid freq. the layering is of a whole different quality compared to the Momentum.

The funny thing is that in audio magazines you will never find a shootout between Pass labs and D’ Agostino amps. This is what I would like to see.

The Ref 75SE sounded more relaxt, but diversity in sound is something different than a pleasant sound. When we played the same music at my system with a Pass Labs poweramp the level of resolution and layers in the whole frequency range was superior.
In our world audio is all about the best quality in each price range. In our world products and brands which are less good does not add anything to be there.

When a new brand comes and it is better than what we sell and use, it becomes the product to replace the other one. 

I don't hate Wilson, if I were Wilson I would change many parts to create a superior level in performance for the price they cost.

A new tweeter technique and faster drivers to start. I would make them a lot better looking as they look now. If Wilson would produce speakers which are by far the best for the money, I would be interested.

It is very simple; when you want the best for yourself, I would be stuppid not to want the best for your clients.

The biggest problem in audio is the low level of most products. Quality will always sell and the one to be chosen.
Advertising is no problem, because this is a free choice for each company to use or not.

But.....the problems occurs when personal benefit colours the real truth about a review. The magazines know they do it like the manufacturers who pay for it know it.

They both need to look further. I know this is not the easiest way. But I can garantee that this is the only way when you want the audio market to be healty and still interested for customers over 10 years and later.

Personal benefit is based on greed. This is short time policy and cost the least energy. There is still time to learn and do it better.

Each single person can change it when they want to. So it is up to you!
You are right, people don't want to see the truth. Life is all about personal needs. When it influences the people who create this forum they will delete it.

So again; what do you want to hear? The truth or the thing you would like to hear?

The great thing about audio is that the best quality is shown by the best sound. Any kind of review cannot change this.

I don't hate Wilson or any other brand. As a perfectionist and music lover I want brands to work harder and to create better quality for their clients.

Wilson could use better drivers, tweeters, materials and techniques. This will make the level of their speakers better. Even the people who don't like them now could like them at the end.

When you really want the best for the people who buy your products, you will give them more value for money. Each single person can make this decision.........when he (or she) wants to.
It is very simple; in my world audio is all about the best products in each price range and it is all about creating the best sound possible.

I love outperforming and I always want to win. 2nd best is for losers. I don't like people who have no respect for their clients. And in audio this is what you see these days a lot. 

We have done a lot of research in creating new systems and modifications. But also is working at a much higher level of precision. I can garantee that this brings audio to a level you even don't know at this moment

Now you see it as words, but soon you will know Dave that what I wrote is exactly where I was taking about. And then we will talk again.....

People overhere don’t know me. It is always funny to see what systems people own. This says it all; when they would have been able to think in properties they would have known that their system is not the best combination.

I have to laugh a lot when I see the pictures, people think they understand how to create an audio system. They really don’t understand how to create it.

Because their system has been created by trial and error. This way it is a fact that their system is based on audiogambling. And again I write something you don’t want to read or believe.

There it is again:) What do you want to believe; the truth or the thing you would like to hear?

For you all audio is a hobby. For me it is a part of who I am. It is my second nature en I can proof by sound that I can see 3-4 steps further than any other person can. I can create emotion at the highest level.

You will know soon, then you may talk:)
You pay 650.000 dollar for a speaker who is ugly like hell. It is time to find a new designer. 

Because these speakers are bought by people who wants to make a statement. This has nothing to do with quality. But the look is more important. 

The looks is unacceptable for this amount.
I think it is time for Wilson Audio to create a new and better look. You see this as negative, but it is not.

In Europe there are many people who think they are ugly. I think when they change the design it will create a positive vibe for their sales.

The same about using better drivers and tweeters. Speakers in this price range needs to be unique in design as well. They look bulky and that is not what you would like to see for a loudspeaker in this price range.
To you to understand what a 3 dimensional stage does and work.

Even for intimate recordings were the voice is put in front, you get more space beside and behind. This give the music a more intimate and tangible image. This is how a voice or instrument is being experienced in real as well.

Intimate sound is a part of Tru-Fi. And is based on how instruments and voices are being projected and formed.

A friend of mine had a concert room with a Steinway grande piano. It was a room for about 60 people. Here I learned how small and direct voices and instruments are. And also how important the space around voices and instruments are.

When you compare amps, sources and loudspeakers with eachother the differences between how the stage is being build is huge.

We are also dealer of Stillpoints and yess they create a wider and deeper soundstage. But there are many different things to create a wider and deeper stage.

Our Statement Audio Pro-measurement creates also a much wider and deeper soundstage. It creates a better phase.

Many of my clients use the word; addictive for the 3-Dimensional stage. At the end it is a part, but in highend an important part to distinguish from hifi stereo.

I visited jazz concerts with a stunning level in stage depth and diversity in height of the instruments. This made a big impression on me. This is how I want an audio system to build a stage.

When you work more accurate you will create more stage depth, width and height. These days we work at 0.5mm precision. It makes a difference!

We have ideas to use conservatorium students for audio presentations to show people what intimate sound means and does. And to show them how small and direct sound is.
I sold Avalon for over 6 years of time. I also sold it to friends of mine. But....there is a big but.

Avalon can create good stage depth and width, but is very limited in individual focus of instruments and voices. This is also an essential part for realistic tangible and intimate focus.

This I learned at my friends house were he gave classical concerts. He also owned 3 pairs of Avalon loudspeakers. When I brought a pair of Monitor Audio Pl200 version 1 to his house it blew the Avalons away on each part. Even in stage depth it outperformed the Avalon speakers.

He also plays now with the Pl-200 version 1. All Avalon speakers are not able to create a 3D form of an instrument. This is an important part of realism in sound.

Monitor Audio was the first brand I found who was able to create a stunning deep and wide stage (wider and deeper than both Wilson and Avalon) and is also able to give the same level of intimate tangible focus of instruments and voices as in real.

The new Platinum series II adds diversity in height at a stunning level we never auditioned before. The other stunning part is that the AMT also can create a sound field in front of the loudspeakers.

This is a stunning holographic stage what brings you to the space of the recording.

Each single part of Tru-Fi I can focus on and I can adapt it. Beside this I did research in electricity, smog, magenetism, diversity in sound and high-frequency noise.

Now I understand how they influence the sound and I have many options to improve the sound. All the parts influences also the sound stage.

You need to understand all different parts on which sound contains and all the different parts what influences the sound and quality of it. Most people have no idea how much quality they loose based on the fact that they don’t understand what I just told.

You can spend 1 million on audio, but you will only be able to use a very small part of the ’real’ quality. Money will not solve it or create a superior sound.

That is why I learned to understand each part. And that is why I have done thousands of tests. Perfectionism means there it no room for error. This process never stops.

There is 1 thing I can garantee to each single person overhere, a 3-dimensional physical tangible stage with a stunning diversity in sound will make listening to music so addictive. This makes you want listening to music on and on.

That is why I will never sell any kind of 2-dimensional sound again in my life. Because for each single person it will be never appealing for a long period of time. This is based on the human emotion. That is why Tru-Fi is based on the human emotion.
The Rockport speakers also can build a deep and wide stage. Are also good in diversity in height. They also can build the stage beside the loudspeakers.

What makes the new Platinum II unique is that they also can build a sound stage in front of the loudspeakers.

You hear it back in songs were the Rockport plays them beside the loudspeakers, but the Pl-500 showed an even higher level.

Not only is it able to bring an instrument in front of the speaker, it also gives it more a 3D form.

There are more brands who can create a good and deep stage. Audio is all about comparing. This is what I love about audio. For a perfectionist it is always about looking for the best. In my world the best is the only one who counts.

Monitor Audio gave me the freedom and options to give many people a 3-dimensional experience like I have with more expensive systems.

I want a higher level in sound quality and emotion for as many people as possible. I love music and I want other people to have a stunning level as well.

It is not based on money, but it is based on properties and understanding how sound works and what influences sound negative.

Today I spoke with a person who said that this year many audio brands were not at the CES anymore. In Europe we see the same, and I want to do something to make audio more appealing for more people.

The 2D stuff what is  sold these days will never make people happy for a long period of time. The only people who become happy are those who sell it.
The drivers Monitor Audio uses in the Platinum Series II are maybe the fastest you will find in their price range and even far above it.

They use ceramic drivers reinforced with aluminum and magnesium. But they even go a lot further. The drivers are in a cylinder and is without a centre hole in the middle of the driver like most other drivers use.

This creates a superior timing. People with Electrostatic speakers said. mann this is the speed of an electrostatic speaker. When you hear you will understand how slow the drivers of the Wilson Audio speakers are.

The Sasha was not able to show us all the diversity in sound like the Platinum Pl-200 II could reveal. The AMT tweeter shows how limited and outdated dome-tweeters are. For us it is difficult to understand why they are still using dome-tweeters.

It is time for Wilson to use faster drivers and tweeters with a frequency response for Hi Res audio. The Sasha showed a lot of difficulties with the high frequencies. The AMT tweeter was laughing to us what kind of difficulties are you talking about?

I am not allowed to give details how we create it. We have a huge advantage over all our competitors, I want to keep it this way.

Until our competitors are able to think and work in propertires and understand all the parts what influeunces the sound they could compete. It needs many years to test and create a photographic memory in sound and be able to hear all the different parts each single part in an audio system owns.

It is a 100% fact that trial and error is like audiogambling. You connect parts togheter and you do not know the properties. So it is one big guess. I spoke in last year to many people who also work in audio for a long time.

When I told how I work, they became aware how limited they are. I am sorry for the huge leap I created. It is not my responsibillity that they are so limited. I did it all by myself, we will share it.

But people will have to pay for it. That is what we are doing now. For us Monitor Audio owns the properties we want and need. But when you are not able to think and work in properties you never will be able to use all the properties the speakers own.

That is why for me it is simple like 1 and 1 is 2 to explain why an audiosystem is incomplete. Almost all systems are incomplete. They miss essential parts of Tru-Fi. You can easilly hear it back in a lower level of emotion and details. It has nothing to do with personal taste. We see that all people understand that it owns a lower level of emotion. Each single person will always choose for that system what owns the highest level of emotion. That is why we work by the human emotion.

To all people I can explain it very easilly. I use my system and that of clients to make people clear what is missing. And we never had; I don’t understand what you mean.

The distributer of Esoteric said within a few seconds when we connected the Esoteric N-05; stop, this is clear. We first listend to the Lumin S1 ( modified by us) and then we listened to the last song we used with the S1 with the N-05. The difference was huge. This is based on the fact that it is incomplete.

The ditributer bought a Lumin D1 with our modifications last week from us. Even this outperfroms the Esoteric N-05 on all parts.

Tru-Fi makes it very easy to understand what is missing in an audio system.
There is one big thing you forget, all audio shops work by trial and error. With this the Monitor Audio speakers can sound good, but we can reach a much higher level.

In the last 7 years we have many Monitor Audio clients who said: when I would not have met you I think I would not bought Monitor Audio loudspeakers. But the way you work they become without any competition.

This difference is huge and brings them to another league. I never met any person who has done thousands and thousands of test to understand all the properties of each single part of an audio system. 

My clients visited the Platinum Series II demos. They said; even my Platinum Series 1 is superior to this. Trial and error can only use a small level of the whole quality it owns. We can proof this by sound. I have proven this to many people in 9 years of time.

That is why I said: I love outperforming. Audio is all about creating the best sound possible. This is what we create. Each single audio system created by Tru-Fi will always outperfrom a system what was created by trial and error. I can proof this by facts.

This is what we will demonstrate and proof by Tru-Fi. This is a new approach on audio what creates a superior level in sound quality.

It has nothing to do with Monitor Audio or any brand. Tru-Fi is based on properties. There are more brands who own the right properties we need and want.

Tru-Fi is combining properties togheter. The brand or products are of minor importance than the sound we create. You all think in products and brands. We only think and focus on properties.

I will repeat it again: Most of my clients said: when I would have listened to Monitor Audio in audio shops I think I would not have bought it. But the way you create it, it is a sound without any competition.

We understand that people have to hear it. We have a maketing specialist who is looking for options to demo it in the US. The webside first will be in my language. Some time later also in english. It will be a total new approach on both sound&vision. We own Sony Professional video stuff, so we will make videos soon.

The human emotion is something what we all own. That is why I focussed on the human emotion. You need to understand how our emotion works and when it occurs.

A client of mine was the first who said: tatse does not exist. I thought he was insane He said; you have proven it to me.

He is the person who owned the Sasha and he is the one who invented the word Tru-Fi. I first called it: Total Sound.

He owned many highend systems. He said: My new system owns a superior level in emotion, details and realism. I could never have created this level with trial and error what I did for a long time.

We can proof (we have proven it to many many people) that we can make each audio system more complete. All the reactions are the same. We will put all the reviews of clients on our new website soon.

They all experience a much higher level of emotion. They all use their system much more often. They all play longer at the same time.

When an audio system can reveal more details and emotion it becomes addictive.
It has nothing to do with a personal taste. People in audio think and believe the best way of creating an audio system is based on personal preference.

Until januari 2016 I believed this as well. But a client convinced me that personal taste does not make sense. It took many conversations before I understood and I agreed with him.

I thought for a long time the same way. But research (People have no idea how addicted I am in music and sound. Almost each day I create new things in my head to improve it. This is also like an addiction. So I test new things)

We all agree that emotion is what we want to experience during listening to our beloved music. People who use tubes think and believe that with tubes they create a more musical and emotional sound.

I have proven to people who own highend tube amps and pre amps that my sound had more layers and a higher level of emotion. A tube colours the sound in the whole freq. range.

The emotion is inside the music and not in an audio system. So you need to understand how you can reveal all the information of a recording. A tube will not give you more information. It will create a pleasant sound. But diversity is sound is a different thing. This is the key to experience realism and emotion during listening to music.

At this moment of writing diversity in sound is the biggest problem and limitation in audio in general. Almost all streamers/networkplayers are not able to create diversity in sound. This is the main reason why cd-players are stil being sold.

In amps we see and hear the same kind of limitations. People who create new products are often not able to understand how instruments and voices sounds in real. And how they are projected and how big they are in proportion.

It took me many years to be able to hear the DNA of each single part of an audio system. In 1998 I thought that if I want to understand sound I need to separate all the properties it owns. This is what I inproved during time. Doing thousands of test is easy when you are addicted to it. It has become my second nature. It does not cost a lot of energy.

In 2016 I have done a lot of reseach on parts what influences audio systems negative.

- the acoustics, we want to share Statement Audio Pro-measurement with manufacturers this year. This way many people can go to a much higher level in sound than what is possible at this moment.

- smog, people have no idea how huge and negative this is on a system. I can limit this for a big part.

- magnetism also has a huge negative influence on the sound. It occurs in cables, amps, sources, speakers and even in conditioners. I can limit this also for a big part.

- High frequent noise, also had a big negative influence on the sound. Again with different tools I can limit this as well.

- In 2015 and 2016 we did a lot of research in electricity. Here we also made big steps.

I will never share this for free. I spend a lot of time and it gave me a huge leap against all my competitors. Do your own research and I wish you goodluck.

We also use different lasers and digital level devices. I learned to use them at different ways. I will never share this.

With vision we work the same way. Here we also can outperform any company in sound&vision.

What I said before I love competition. I always want to win and create a superior quality compared to the best there is. Only the best is what counts, 2nd best is for losers. I understand that it sounds hard to others.

I do everything for my clienst to give them the best quality possible. It always needs to be superior to all competitors.

An AMT tweeter is not a ribbontweeter. It is a totally different technique. Again 3-dimensional sound has nothing to do with a ribbontweeter.

We also have clients who use speakers with a dome-tweeter who also own a 3-dimensional stage now. It is based on properties and working very accurate. 3-dimensional sound is not new, there are different brands and products who can build a 3 dimensional stage as well.

It is a 100% fact that people prefer a 3 dimensional stage. The same as that people prefer a sound with more diversity. This has nothing to do with personal taste. But like I said again: it is based on our emotion.

Some people have difficulties to read, so I will repeat it for those. 3-dimensional sound is only 1 part of Tru-Fi. All the different 8 parts are important and influences our emotion.

It was a 100% fact that the AMT tweeter outperformed the tweeter of the Wilson Sasha. Again it has nothing to do with personal taste.

The AMT tweeter vs the outdated dome tweeter of the Sasha showed:

- The AMT could reveal more details
- could reveal diversity in height of instruments and voices. With the Wilson they showd the same level in height.
- with different recordings the Sasha showed harshness ( ssssss sound) in the high freq. The Pl-200 II showed with all these recordings no any kind of harshness.
- The low frequencies were so much faster and showed more layers compared to the Sasha.
- The Pl-200 II could create a wider and deeper stage.
- The sound of the Pl-200 II was more natural and more open
- The individual focus of instruments and voices was so much sharper with the Pl-200 II.
- The Pl200 II showed much more diversity in sound.

We want more shootouts of audio, and no more bullshit paid stories. Audio is all about facts and shootout.

All our clients with more expensive audio have a Statement Audio Pro measurement. The difficulties most of you suffer, are gone for us already for many years. The resolution in audio shops and at shows is inferior compared to our resolution.

Advantages AMT against a dome-tweeter are: bigger power handling, significantly less distortion, bigger stage, more natural sound, better dynamics, a better timing and a more flat impedance.

Again we can proof this by sound!!

The  beryllium tweeter of the Focal speakers also showed harshness at many different shows and demos we auditoned. The AMT tweeter laughs about these limitations :)

With the Sonus Faber Lilium we had the same experience. When we played Diana Krall we all could hear ssssss all the time. The people who gave the demo said; this is based on the fact that she is very close to the mic and it is based on the recording.

Lol, these recordings never showed any kind of harshness and sss sounds to all systems we sold. 

I will do my best to create a shootout with these speakers against the Platinum series. This is how audio should ne used. We like things to be clear and honest :)
Audiogon is a lot of fun for me. I need to laugh all the time when I read the reactions.


When I take a look at most systems overhere at Audiogon it proves that systems are chosen by trial and error.

We will demo and proof that with Tru-Fi you always will create a superior level. We have proven this to many people already. The difference is we will share it now with every one.

We want as many people possible to bring them to a new level in experience their music. Tru-Fi brings audio much more close to how music sounds in real. And it proofs that the level of emotion and exitement is superior.

It will be here soon.......:)

Plutos the Pass labs X150 is one of the weakest amps Pass Labs ever created. The 150.5 had the same kind of limitations. I know them all.

Your Marantz Sa-1 is a 2 dimensional source. This means that the stage it build is not able to create over 1 metre of stage depth. It even creates less than 1 metre of stage depth. We tested it and we could proof to the client who owned it that it limited his 3D stage.

He sold it and bought an Olive 06HD. His stage became a lot deeper and wider.

Again this proves that most people buy 2 dimensional products.
At this moment people are working on our new website.

Most things we do we will never show. The products have a much lower value than how they are used. At the end it is all about detail and how you use it.

You cannot see the Statement Audio Pro-measurment, adapting electricity, magnetism, high frequency noise, smog, modifications and many tweeks we use inside the amps, sources, cables and many other places.

When you create and sell a sound, it is a totally different approach than the silly extreme ineffective way of trial and error.

Even when you would buy the same stuff I own, I does not make sense and it will never work.

I had a lot of contact with Desmond Harrington(president) of Pass Labs. I was talking also about our Statement Audio Pro measurement. In 2015 he send me an email that he was thinking about buying a 5509 as well.

I had to laugh and I wrote, without my brains and insight the 5509 is fully useless. He cannot think and work in patterns/properties like I do. This is needed to understand it.

All people in audio focus on products and brands. Sound does not work like that, this way it always will be very ineffective. You never can reach the full potential of each part in your set. This is why money will never solve this problem.

Most sets are incomplete and beside this they miss properties you need for a higher level in emotion and realism.

At the end it is all about what you can hear. We have proven many times that our way of Tru-Fi with each single Monitor Audio loudspeaker sounds superior to the same speaker at any other shop. This is based on the fact they we can use the full potential or all properties the speakers own. All shops connect some stuff based on trial and error, they are only able to reach between 10-30% of the quality. And again we have proven this many times.

Audio is all about sound and what you can hear. This will be always less important than the technique they use. Technique does not garantee you a better quality.

In magazines and on websites you often read the information about the technique. And only a few lines about how it sounds. This shows again how limited these people are.

Of course the technique Monitor Audio uses is the reason why it creates the level what is possible. But it still does not garantee you anything. This counts for other brands as well.