Wilson Audio Haters

I've always wondered why there are so many people out there, that more than any other speaker manufacturer, really hate the Wilson line. I own Maxx 2's and also a pair of Watt Puppys. They are IMHO quite wonderful.

Why does Wilson get so much thrashing?


Showing 1 response by almarg

It seems evident to me that Clearthink's excellent command of the English language indicates that he is not Bo. However, regarding Clearthink's statement that:
He is being generous by contributing here to share his knowledge about Tru-Fi and the way it can be applied using properties to music reproduction systems and installations.
... as far as I can recall, having read many of Bo's posts, he has never provided definitions of Tru-Fi or what he refers to as "properties" that are specific enough to be of any practical usefulness.

-- Al