I did take a look at your systems. Mann this is the work of an amature. Most of the brands and products you use are by far not the best in their price range. We are talking about 2-dimensional standard audio.
If I would sell it to clients, it would be time to quite directly.
First you need to listen to it before you judge. The products you bought many of them are even rather poor.
We test and listen to as many products possible to find the best of it’s class.
The one who creates the best sound&vision in each price range understands it the best way. This is how sound&vision needs to be exposed. This is how we work. And all people can compare it with all other products.
May the best win.......
@plutos ........hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha lol :)
You life in the past and we live in the future. When you audition S.A.P. you will understand that it does not makes sense anymore where they stand.
Many people with highend sets were amazed that we could create a level they never experienced before. The were the most impressed that even the loudspeaker is on the side and the other is a little more free does not make a difference.
S.A.P. adapts the speakers. It knows were it stsands in the room. With a professional microphone the volume of the left and right speaker is exactley the same. Even when the stand differently placed.
Another stunning thing is Stealth low freq. This creates a new reference in low freq. Many people called it the best low freq. they ever auditioned.
Because it puts the subwoofer in phase with the loudspeakers. Beside this the system knows exactley were it stand in the room.
The energy is exactley were it is on the recording. Never before you hear the energy of instruments fully free in space just like in real. This is not possible with old fashion audio without S.A.P.
In 3 years of time we auditioned only one system who showed all the parts of Tru-Fi. It had the same kind of structure we use but without Statement Audio Pro-measurement. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10155603840790083&set=a.10155603801710083.1073741890.588...Tru-Fi is a totally different way of creating an audio system. Like Statement Audio Pro-measurement is a new approach to disclude the acoustic limitations. Beside the acoustic limitations, creates S.A.P. much more details which are gone with any other highend pre amp. In a comparison with an Audio Research Ref -5SE the differences could not be bigger. We used the same Pass Labs Poweramp, AQ Redwood, 2 pairs of AQ Wel Signature xlr and Purist Audio Limited Edition luminist powercables. The 5509 with S.A.P. had a much deeper and weider stage. The Ref 5Se created 0.5m of stage depth. The 5509 eith SAP can create 5-6metrres of stage depth with the same recording. The 5509 could reveal details like the articulation of vloices which were fully gone with The AudioReseach. Even in layers and emotion the 5509 outperformed the 5SE with ease. The low freq went a lot deeper and had more layers compared to the 5SE. The individual focus of instruments and voiced was so much shaper and precise than the 5SE. Soon a person with an Absolore pre amp of 30.000 dollar will come to my house. I will ask him if he is prepared for a shootout. We have proven to many tube owners that our sound shows much more layers and creates more emotion thanb their tube pre amp and poweramp. We want to use more shootouts in audio. We will make profesional videos of it. Audio is all about facts and the truth :) |
We created Statement Audio Pro-measurement. It brings stereo and surround to a new superior level. This is again not based on personal taste, but again on facts.
If you would have read better you would have known that we have not the acoustic limitations most people have. That is why I said: ( I will repeat it again for those who forget) when we visit new clients, shows, distributers and other shops we always go back in time.
In their world the acoustics limits them a lot. I have done a lot of research in over 6 years of time in the acoustics. That is why we will share Statement Audio Pro-measurement with the world this year so many will get a superior sound quality they never experienced.
It is not possible to reach this level with old fashion audio without S.A.P.
It outperforms pre amps in all 8 parts of Tru-Fi. It looks like it is not possible for people to understand what it means when you do research all the time in sound&vision. Because you never read and saw people who work like this.
I met many people who invested a lot of money on acoustical treatment. This is inferior to the results of S.A.P. It is even a big laugh how big the difference is in result.
Our clients react the same way when they visit other shops and shows. They are all already in the new world of audio This world we will share soon.
Then you all may give your personal opinion :) |
@shadorne In a A-B shootout the Pl-200 II outperformed the Sasha. This is how audio is being exposed.
When people read the things they do not want to hear or read they directly go on an attack. That is fine with me.
Audio is being fought out by sound. The best one always wins.
I do this since I was 6. I had the freedom to test hundreds of amps, sources, cables and many tools in audio for almost 19 years of time.
I sold many brands you own so we know exactley the DNA and quality of them. The level in accuracy how we work is new in this world. It proves a new and superior level.
We will proof it by sound, than you can respond :)
The difference where we are compared to the rest is galaxies away. 2017 will be the year we will share it, soon you will hear from it as I told before.
You have no idea that Tru-Fi will be a benefit for you all overhere. After that you will understand the words I wrote. Now we see that people react based on the knowledge and insight they own.
For us this is the past, like you go back 20 years in time. This is how we experience each single sustem over and over again. The people who create it still work on trial and error. We will proof on facts soon that this is extreemly ineffective. That it has nothing to do with personal taste.
Now I write this, you still don’t understand. But I promiss soon you will understand and than it will change your mind and thought about audio.
The audio industry slept for a long time, at that time I looked so much wider than any person ever did before. When I say; I have done thousands of tests, this is not a silly line what I write. No, it is the truth. For people overhere this is difficult to understand.
When I say: this is a part of who I am as a person, it means that it has become my second nature. This makes me able to see 3-4 steps further in sound than any other person can. And I can proof this by sound. And I can do it over and over again.
People still think audio is all about personal preference. We can proof by facts that their system is still incomplete and misses parts what influences our emotion. So when we create new parts of Tru-Fi ir sytem the level of emotion will become higher.
Each single person will prefer this over the sound that had. Tru-Fi has nothing to do with personal taste. That would be even silly or stuppid.
Each single person will prefer this, because it is based on the human emotion. People have no idea what the level of perfectionism I created. Because it improves faster than any one can imagine.
I wanted audio to sound like voices and instruments sounds in real. This is not only the sound, but also how voices and instruments they are projected and being formed as a shape.
It is based on patters in sound and in vision. I learned to take part all the different parts of a single tool in an audio system. This was needed to understand how it is build. I needed to understand the dna.
Tru-Fi will help you to use the full potential of a loudspeaker. Now we see that most systems only use a small part of the full potential of a loudspeaker. And again we can proof this by facts. For me it is simple like 1 and 1 is 2.
When you have no idea what the properties are of the speaker you bought, you will never be able to use them. It is that simple. This is what we show to our clienst. To make them aware of what is missing and also what is there.
When i said; they have to pay for it, I meant I will not give it away for free. Because I will use the money for our foundation. This is my goal in life. To give peope who have nothing a better life.
I created Tru-Fi to give as many people possible a much higher in sound realism. I love music since I was a child, and now I want more people to experience how music sounds in real. Fully free tangible in front of you with all the diversity the music owns. So you can really experience the emotion of the music.
We all see that the world becomes harder each year. And people are more divided than ever. Life is not about what you take, but all about what you give. That is why a foundation is my goal in life.
I had it in my mind for many years, but I didn’t know how to create it. But now I reached a level in insight that I understand how to create it.
It is the same thing as I created Tru-Fi. It is all about becoming aware of why it is as it is. I will use the money we make for different projects for people who have no option to create a better life than they have now. Because they will never have an option to make it better.
I do not do this to show how great I am, I want to show that how simple it is to help others who have nothing. It is not about me.
I did not create Tru-Fi for myself, but I did it so people can experience a new level in sound realism. Music is all about emotion, this is what Tru-Fi gives to people.
The emotion music possesses is what will touch you. Music makes people become more humane. It will bring the emotion inside you to come alive.
I am sorry that my words offended others and I want to apologize to those who felt offended. It was never my intention, I wish a better sound for each single person. Like I wish a better quality for each single manufacturer who make audio products.
That is why I want audio to become more transparent and honest for customers who buy it.
I promiss soon you will understand what Tru-Fi will do with your system and the level you can reach in audio.
See you all soon.
People need to learn not to focus on products and brands. Only when you focus on sound you will reach a superior level in quality.
When you use audio by Tru-Fi even each Monitor Audio loudspeaker will sound totally different than the way the rest creates an audio system.
That is why the focus of how you think about Monitor Audio does not make sense. Because you see it as a product or brand. Like you auditioned it by trial and error. The limitation is that all of you only will hear a small part of the whole quality it could create.
Like I said before; it will be a demo what is still incomplete. This counts the same for other products. Tru-Fi will give access to all the properties a product owns. This makes a huge difference to all the trial and error ways of creating an audio system.
For us Monitor Audio is only a small part of Tru-Fi. Tru-Fi is in charge how an audio set is being created. All products are only used based on the properties they own. Only the properties matter and this is what we use.
That is why audio is all about sound and not about a brand or product. Products are of minor importancy in our world. This sounds crazy and difficult to understand for you. And we understand this.
Tru-Fi is a different approach, but based on the human emotion so much more effective.
Now it is time to reveal what Tru-Fi is and how it works. |
And still people judge on products............this is audio 1980.
The 5509 is only used for the DNA and the measurement. We stripped it and it is modified with other parts of over 3000 euro.
It is about creating a new level of pre amp what outperfroms anything regarding price. You all still think at the level of a child.
Sound is based on properties and we create sound by properties. This brings you so much closer to the truth than any stuppid 1980 way of trail and error.
I am galaxies away from the rest. I owned 5 different Pass Labs monos and poweramps. And I owned the XP-20 for over 2 years of time. The 5509 without modifications and S.A.P.-measurement outperformed the XP-20 on all parts with each single Pass labs power amp.
But now in 2017 we are galaxies away from that. Because we created many new things to improve the sound and realism. As we improved S.A.P-measurement. I can improve sound a few times each month.
The level of new thoughts in my head is of a speed no one can reach. It will make any pre amp like a cheap inferior chinese dicky toy.
And people still focus on brands and are extremely limited in thinking about audio. Your insight creates what I call; AUDIOBLINDNESS.
Tru-Fi will proof how blind you were and that your inferior way of using trial and error is one big laugh!
We will help all the music lovers who are able to look further, for those who will stay blind (or deaf) I would say; enjoy your audio system created by your own trail and error! |
Soon it will be there...............and then you can judge :) |
Stealth Low Frequency proves stereo without a subwoofer is of a lower quality. These days I seldom sell stereo without a subwoofer.
Because when people audition it with or without the subwoofer, you would be a fool not to use it. Tru-Fi and Stealth Low Frequency makes subwoofers so much more effective and important.
It is insane what the level is of a subwoofer created by trial and error. When we visit a show or shop the people who demo it are often negative themselves.
I have to admit that without Stealth Low Frequency I would never want to use a subwoofer for stereo use either. In that way I understand the 1980 way of thinking! |
Stealth Low Frecquency will become the new reference in low frequency.
I hated subwoofers for stereo use untill 2010. When I was able to put the loudspeakers and subwoofer in phase and were it is located my thoughts about subwoofers totally changed.
In 2005 I had ideas how subwoofers would be working for stereo use. But I thought it would never be possible.
Stealth Low Frequency goes even a lot further. It brings the energy exactly where it is at the recording. Stealth Low Frequency showed that you can use subwoofer a lot further.
But people think in 1980 and will stop at 50,60,70 or maybe 80hz. Stealth Low Frequency also showed that Rel and Velodyne subwoofers are a lot slower than the Monitor Audio subwoofers.
The response and timing is the essential part of subwoofers. With Stealth Low Frequency I can proof (it is all about proof :) that it is possible to create a higher level in quality and speed with Monitor Audio subwoofers.
Again this is based on the differences in properties and DNA. They make the differences, not a name or brand.
Tru-Fi gives you full access to all the qualities of the subwoofer. The 1980 silly trial and error way of thinking will always use a very limited part of the full potential. And you cannot change that. You are not able to think in properties.
You always need to go back to think in trial and error. This will limit you in quality until you die. |
People don't understand what a subwoofer does, when you read the reactions overhere it is stil clear that people have no idea.
Stealth Low frequency will always create a superior sound quality than any stereo system without it.
Stealth Low Frequency showed;
- stage became wider and deeper - instruments and voices becomes more tanbible. - at very low volums you have a much deeper freq response. - In the mid freq the sound becomes richer and shows more diversity - the energy of instruments come more apparent of the loudspeakers.
When you play with a system with big speakers which can reach 20hz. You still need to play at high level to get this low. All the test with huge speakersystems showed that at very low volume level you missed the drive.
Stealth Low Frequency also goes deep with even very low volume.
- new people who auditoned Stealth Low Frequency for the first time, often use the word Reference level. It goes so much further than what is possible with just loudspeakers.
I have many stereo clients who never used a subwoofer for stereo use before. Just like me. When a subwoofer by S.A.P. and Stealth Low freqency is uses it creates a new level in integration but also in a higher level of the low frequency of the whole system.
The accuracy of Stealth Low Frequency makes it easy to use subwoofers till 120-140hz. This is also something people don't know. When you connect a subwoofer without S.A.P. you go to an inferior level of timing.
This is the level you all know. You all judge based on this information. Again this is audio 1980 thinking.
The Pl-500 creates a stunning level in low frequency without a subwoofer. But when you bring in the subwoofer by S.A.P. the people their faces says it all. The level in sound quality goes to an even higher level.
They all understood after the demo how important the subwoofer becomes based on Stealth Low Freq.
This only can be reached when you get the subwoofer in phase. And also the exact location were it has been put. Without roomcorrection a subwoofer is useless.
The roomcorrection systems use in subwoofer are able to limit the acoustic problems. But there is a huge but.......
It don't places it in phase and the right position. This is the level you all know. This level is in my world 100% unacceptable in result.
I understand the reactions. But they are based on the fact that you still think in 1980 knowledge and insight.
The Pl-500 is created this way because they wanted to build a loudspeaker what used the best configuration. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24vv7fsA3NYWhen you audition them you will understand why they used it. The load of the low frequency are separated over 4 drivers. I never audioned this level in authority in this price range. The mid frequency are also separated over 2 drivers. Again it creates a new level of physical image we never auditioned in this price before. Ofcourse there are better speakers, but they will cost a lot more. We always focus on what is the highest level you can create in each price range. For all the trail and error people overhere I will proof that what I wrote is 100% True. I am looking forward to all the reactions.......:) |
My clients understand now how extreme limited most people are in audio. All the reactions are all the same. They all laugh about 2D sound and calll it inferior or standard audio.
They are able now to correct the people in audio shops. Their systems outperform all the inferior trial and error systems in shops.
These days we laugh about it, it is insane that people ask 275.000 euro for a hifi stereo system with a stage of 1 metre. They even called it highend. When we asked a few simple questions they were not able to answer it.
Most systems have no foundation. That is why over 99% of all systems are 2D. Beside this the level of emotion is very poor as well.
Each single person will never be satisfied with a 2D system after time. All the discussions I had with people who owned and paid a lot of money on audio were the same.
They were honest and had the gutts to speak free and said: I was never really happy with the systems I own.
There are also people who will defend their system and choices till they die. These are the people who limit themselves. Inside they know they are not happy. We cannot help people who don’t want to be informed.
The people who reacted the most overhere in the last week, have budget systems they think it is stuning. Okay you are amatures, but you write overhere if you know it all.
I bet you have not done thousands of test in many price ranges just as me. Trial and error is an amature way of creating an audio system.
I understand thay you work like this, but it always will be extremely ineffective. For those I will proof it with all my love :) I will send the proof especially for these people.
I can proof and garantee (wanna bet on money?......please do:) that their choices are done by trial and error. Beside this they own many products which have superior competitors in their price range.
@ct0517 ; hahahahahahahha, mannnnn you have a nice 2D system.
I auditoned many of the products you own. I can garantee you 100% and I invite you to make a shootout with your products against superior products in their price range.
They products you chose are by far not the best in their price range. Maybe you are an amature, I can garantee you could have created a superior level for the money you spend.
B&W 800 is also a 2D loudspeaker. No one can change that, and you can't either :) |
I think you never heard it before, your world is a 2D system I read.
Just be happy with your lovely standard audio 2D system :) |
The problem in audio is that most products in each price range are rather poor. They will never make any person happy.
Soon we will discuss Tru-Fi with manufacturers. Because audio is a market what decreases. We want to reach more people who are now not interested in audio.
When we visit shows, shops, distributers and new clients we see that the level of most audio systems will never create a satisfied feeling. You cannot go on this way. It will have a negative influence on audio in the comming years.
We want a higher level for all people all over the world. What I said; it is not about me. We want to give people the experience to feel the emotion of music.
We are a team of audio fanatics who are all perfectionists and only go for the best. Maybe it is my idea, but I am just one person of the whole team.
I use the experience and knowledge of different people who are just as fanatic as I am.
Togheter we can create new products and a superior level in sound&vision. We all have the same goal; to become the best company in sound&vision in the world.
This is not only selling products, but also a lot of research and doing tests. The team of our company gives me the freedom to focus even more on new products and qualtiy.
It is a addiction for me to improve sound&vison over and over again. Each single person has his own task and part of our company.
I never loved my job so much as this moment. Because the time I spend in research and test created a superior level in bith sound&vision. I still want to improve it time after time. This is what I love. My team gives me this freedom. I am thankful to do it togheter with all these unique people.
And stil there is a lot of audioblindness. It is not black&white.
Audio is all about sound and how you can reveal the emotion the music possesses. This only can be reached when a system owns all the different parts which can be there to reveal all the different parts which are needed to show the emotion.
Trial and error systems always show that they are incomplete. We will use presentations to explain this and show it as well.
This is how we work, always based on shootouts and comparison. We even can use different songs to explain each part of Tru-Fi. This makes it more easy to understand. We did it with many of our clients.
Sound has nothing to do with personal taste. You want music to sound as it sounds in real. That is the only thing what is important.
For example: almost all 2D systems build voices and instruments on the same line. But in real there is a lot of depth and space between them. This makes it very easy to understand that 2D sound is not natural.
Most systems are not able to create diversity in sound. And again it is very easy to let people hear a system without diversity and with diversity.
It makes people become aware how important diversity is en that this is needed to experience the emotion of the music.
Like voices and instruments are very direct and small in demension. We call this intimate sound.
We will use students of the conservatory to show how small and direct voices and instruments are. And what intimate does means and does with your emotion.
And we also want to use them to show what diversity in sound means and does with your emotion.
Tru-Fi is all about how voices and instruments sounds in real. This has northing to do with personal taste. We think and we believe that audio is all about a personal taste. This is how some people told us. And we believe that this is the truth.
But when we ask people different questions about voices and instruments in real they have no idea how it sounds. Tell me how do you want to create an audio system when you don’t know this. This explains how silly it is and that trial and error never will create an audio system what comes even a little close to how it should sound.
When people will become aware that sound owns different properties and togheter they build the sound and stage what we hear. They will understand that it is not about personal taste. That it is about the truth, real live music.