Wilson Audio for a 1600 sq ft space

I love the design of Wilson Audio speakers and am looking to purchase a system for a 37' x 45' mostly open space living room. 

I host a lot of gatherings, from dinners to parties, so I am looking for a system that will fill the room and sound good at all volumes whether you are sitting or standing throughout the space. Doesn't have to be perfect. I'm assuming that anything will be an upgrade from my crappy ceiling built ins. I'm in my 30s and will be streaming mostly deep house, hip hop and rock from the likes of Spotify. 

I've been considering the newer Alexia 2s, the Sasha DAWs (and 2s) but also the MAXX 3 and even Grand SLAMM 2s since they seem to be heavily discounted used. I'm open to suggestions. Given the size of the room, the footprint of the speakers is not really a concern. 

Would appreciate any input you may have. 

Happy holidays. Cheers!

Correction on above post I made. You can stream into the Bartok with ethernet too.  I didn’t realize it has streaming built in.  It’s a very nice unit and on my short list for my next Streamer/Dac. I’m also looking closely at the Lumin X-1. 

Did you consider Focal speakers? They make some fine sounding speakers, that have beautiful designs as well.  
For your room if you can get the Alexx for the same price as X2, go with the best.  When making a purchase like that you really need to compare the speakers side by side and make your own judgement.  

By the way, I also have a Lumin X-1 DAC / Streamer.  I had the A-1 and an EMM LAB DAC 2VX2.  Once I got the Lumin X-1 there was nothing else in my mind that could top it for sound quality, ease of using the Lumin app and price point.  Call the Audio Doctor in New Jersey.  
@ewert the design of focals is not for me. 

@willgolf so you consider the Alexx to be superior to the Alexandrias? I've heard the Alexx just never the Alexandria and there are none in my area. 
Not sure how they play in such a large room but the sound of the smäller ones in a normal room was very good. And the design is special, your guests will notice them. 

Bayz Audio 