WILSON AUDIO/ cost vs. value

wilson ad; absolute sound;issue 162. page 12.... dave wilson states in his ad that wilson loudspeakers have one of the [ lowest ] profit margins in the industry. My question is should wilson make public their profit margin percentage's to back up their claims or is this more hyperbole from a high-end audio manufacturer...

Showing 3 responses by woodburger

I have WP7s. I heard a demo of Alexandrias presented by Dave Wilson just recently. He struck me as a gentleman, far from a hypster. If he was working us, he's a master. You could see the pride he had when talking about how he felt for his workers. He did not disparage the competition, even when asked about them.

I used to haunt all the audio sites, but lately have become so satisfied with my system that while I still visit it's without the 'striving for better' (or wishing for better) that I once had. FWIW: I find Audiogon less shrill than Audio Asylum these days.

In my new Rives designed room, my WP7s sounded wrong to me at first. Only after experimentation and some changes did I find the level of great sound I hoped to achieve. My point is that I wonder how many really have heard any speakers as good as they can be? It takes synergism.

As for cost/price, a manufacturer confided in me that a well known cable brand builds them for $75 and sells for multi-thousands. (He was not a competitor.) He said he got that from the owner of the company who laughed about it.

I can't swear that's true, but after selling their cables which I had used for years, I found a much better match for my circumstances.

To sum it up: it's all about synergism. And Wilson, love him or hate him, follows his vision of what a speaker should be and do. It's a free country (mostly.)

Bob Wood
I switched TO Audience Au 24 cabling. For fear of being sued, I won't say what I had, and replaced. But the total cost of the old cables was over $10k. I can't believe I ever did that!
Proof of YMMV: my Audience cables sound dynamic, uncompressed and completely wonderful throughout the spectrum.

I'll estimate that the Wilson demo I heard recently had about $200k worth of top everything (in a good room)... and I didn't feel my home system was really far behind. In fact, I wasn't envious.

Funny hobby, huh?

Bob Wood