Are Wilsons the best? are they worth the money? Looking at used watt puppy 8 or Sophia 3. 

Showing 1 response by tgr

I suspect you are going to get a wide range of opinions on this, all the way from Wilsons are great to they are overpriced garbage.  You need to make up your own mind, of course.  I just bought new Sabrinas on closeout, for a subtantial discount.  I heard them during an extended audition a few years back and thought it was some of the best sound I have ever heard.  I have heard other Wilson's over the years, going back to seeing David Wilson demo early Watt/Puppies back about 1989, and I have always, always come away very impressed, in spite of the price tags, and the at times, a design that I don't find particularly appealing.  There are a LOT of speaker manufacturers out there, and always the possibility of something better lurking around the corner.  I had Magnepan 3.7i's before - they worked very well in a space that I had before, but not so well in the space where I live now.  Lots of factors here - the space, your electronics, and how you hear music.