Wilson audio 3.2 speaker

I just brought Wilson audio 3.2 speaker and Mark Levinsion 23 dual mono amp. I am out of money so I used pre-amp Audio Increable Module 2. Somehow ML Amp doesn't have RCA connector and preamp doesn't have XRL connectors. I am trying to order camac/RCA to connnect preapm and amp. First, I tried to buy XRL/RCA. Sounds are very soft not loud with speaker even I turn almost end of the volume. I think maybe the connector. I do not know that camac/RCA does have the problem as XRL/RCA. Please advice me. I maybe think about buy Makr Levinsion preamp but can't affort now. Is this true that MK 23 can not handle Wilson audio 3.2 or my connectors are wrong?
I think you need the carmac to RCA (call or email Levinson) to get the right impedence. You said the XLR to RCA is too soft.
For best sound, a balance (XLR) operation is preferred. But if you going to use single-ended (RCA), you need Camac to RCA connectors. Futhermore, shorting straps are required to run in single-ended mode.
Download the operation manual from Mark Levinson web site, it will show you how to connect. Don't even try until you have a clear understanding about the amp. I mean shipping a 120lb box back to the manufaturer is not fun.
No.23 and Wilson is a good match. The problem you have is the SHORTING STRAPS. Good luck.
Thanks for your infor. I think I will use camac/rca but 6chac said my problem is shorting straps. I do not have them when I buy. Any idea to buy or to get them with reasonable price.
Tuha612, is wire cloth hanger ring any bell? :-) At least, while you wait for ordering...
From my expience, I've had a setup of Adcom GTP-750-> XLR-> ML 23.5->Watt3/Puppy2 with very good performance.
Running XLR interconnector usually gives more detail which is a plus when you have good speakers like the Watt/Puppy.