wilsom MAXX3 or Evolution Acoustics MMThree ?

Has anyone had actuall experience (shows, dealers, home, ownership...) with both of them to have comparative recommendation. Thinking of changing my Wilson MAXX2, and while I`m not sure if i`m doing the right thing, considering the price differences, those two speakers seems to be a natural replacements. But, I have no experience with any of them, and my dealers do not hold them, so help is needed. Thank you.
Thank you Tabl10s! I can understand the WAF factor that Ed has to deal with, I think my hubby understands this too..;0)
BUT, I do think that a speaker that could have spanned over the top of the couch would likely sound much better. Particularly, if that speaker had no chance of overloading the room or the decor. Maybe a subwoofer in another part of the room would have been a thought? Anyhow, i guess if Ed is happy, that's all that counts, after all it is his system..:0)
I was in this situation a few months ago. I had Watt/Puppy 7's and needed a taller speaker. The speakers that were available were the Wilson MAXX2/3, Avalon Isis, Focal Maestro and the MM3's. I listened to all of these speakers extensively over a year. The only drawback I had was I "only" had 100 watt monoblocs. I could get the needles to move using my WP's and needed an efficient speaker. That ruled out the ISIS. I like the sound of the Wilsons since the Sophia 2 came out. On several ocasions, I felt the MAXX speakers were bass deficient, unless you were pushing them with >300 watts. End the end, we bought the MM3's. They are very efficient and can move more air than any Wilson can. Being adjustable, made them a no-brainer.
We've got about 1000hr. on them now and couldn't be more thrilled. We've mastered several albums with them and have done 100's of transfers/edits for HDtracks. Yes, they're that good. But as always... spending this kind of $$, you'll definitely need to try them for yourself.
I own the MM2 and also love them.
I have all of Tinn's stuff ; Dartzeel amp and pre amp , and Playback and unless I go crazy I am keeping all what bI have .
I also concur that the MM2 works better for me than the Wilson did. The powered woofer as well as the various bass/treble controls that the MM2/MM3 allow make a considerable difference in dealing with room issues.

I have also heard the Wilson Maxx several times at shows and have never been overly impressed by them. The Maxx 3 are often used in very expensive big rooms at shows and while technically impressive never seem to move me as a cohesive musical expression.

David Wilson drives a Ferrari so you know he is making bank on his speakers and I don't think Mr. Tinn got one yet so perhaps more of the money is going into the Speakers. Sure sounds like it to this music fan.
The type of car the owner drives has nothing to do with it, or perhaps you are
joking, can't tell. These are completely different speakers and very different
companies. Both have loyal and happy customers. Compare the speakers by
listening to them and you should know pretty quickly which one you prefer.