Will this set up work? biamping with different amps and subs

I have an idea. I want to run my SET amp onto a pair of 96 db, full range speakers which I hand built and because it is bass shy, also want to connect my SONIC FRONTIERS POWER 2 to a pair of SW-1, GERSHMAN subs. The input to both amp will have to use the two amp outputs in my SF-Line 2 preamp. To modulate the volume of the bass section amp, I am thinking about getting a pair of the EVS attenuators.
What I am wondering is if this will sound good or will the integration of the lower and high frequency be choppy sounding. The preamp and both amps will be trying to run both of speakers/subwoofers to their lowest to their highest frequency according to the music. The subwoofer has its own built in crossover, but I wonder what is its cutoff point. Will I be more successful adding a crossover to the subwoofer section? Then if I do this, what can I do about the frequency of the full range speakers? Any feedbacks will be greatly appreciated!


According to the Audio's 42nd Annual Equipment Directory, the Gershman SW-1s have a sensitivity rating of 87 dB/watt, and I didn't see any specs on the crossover, although judging from the low frequency range of the intended Gershman satellites (to 40 Hz) the crossover may be set low enough for you to use as-is and let your main speakers roll off naturally. I would contact Gershman for information on the crossover point. The difference in sensitivity, however, may force you to use the EVS attenuators to turn down the main speakers (which appear to be more efficient), rather than the subs -- so you may in effect be adding a passive preamp in line with your main speakers, to make this mating work. Also, depending on the crossover point of the sub's internal crossover (if any) you may need to remove the crossover (if it's set too low) and get an adjustable external crossover to obtain optimum results. It sounds like you might be in for a little experimenting. Good luck.

I forgot to mention that the difference in the input sensitivities of the two respective amplifiers will also factor into the relative volume levels of the satellites versus the mains. Who knows, if the difference works in your favor, you might not need the attenuators at all -- however, the odds of that occurring would be akin to hitting the lottery.
I would say try it and see. Going by what you have stated and Plato was kind enough to add in terms of technical data, it sounds like the subs would always be trying to play "catch up". As such, they might offer low bass reinforcement at a much lower output level but not enough to be level matched to the mains.

Running the subs in this manner will add to the sense of low bass while not making it stick out like a sore thumb or being very noticeable. This should work out okay as it would only be giving you more of what was already there with the mains. If you were to attenuate the mains down to a similar level that the subs generated, you would probably need a bigger amp than what your SET stuff was capable of.

So, if you've already got the stuff, it will cost nothing to find out...... Sean
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I would use the POWER 2, because I own them. In fact, I could even try to connect a pair of BC-2 Monoblocks to drive the sub, but I doubt it will have enough juice to run them loud enough.
Sean makes good points except that attenuating the signal at the input of the SET amp will not reduce the available power. It will still deliver exactly the same power to the speakers, although you may have to set the master volume control on the main preamp to a higher position to attain the same dB level. As I said before, this should let you match the level of the more efficient mains to the less efficient subs at the expense of putting a passive preamp and another pair of interconnects in the signal path.
Thanks for correcting me Plato. Of course, you are absolutely correct. I stepped into a pothole that i myself dug. Your explanation should clear up the mess that i left behind : ) Sean