Will the sound quality deminish over the years?

I bought a set of used B&W 802N and see a lot of nice speakers for sale here. I wondered if the age of the speaker would cause the sound to degrade. Sure, I have heard people state how great their 40 yo speakers sound, but could that be like shocks on a car? You won't notice how much less they are until it is changed.Just a curious thought as to 10 - 20 years down the road, can I expect the speakers to sound as good, especially when laying out a lot of quag.

Showing 1 response by lmr

I guess what started it was watching how to realign a coil video. It made me think of what else could happen including maybe the crossovers getting out of spec through corrosion or heat.Seeing how cartridges have a lifespan of 2000 hours, if speakers degraded, how would one know how old they actually were? Gathering by some of the last responses, I take it,not to worry if a speaker is 20-30 years old.