Will the sound quality deminish over the years?

I bought a set of used B&W 802N and see a lot of nice speakers for sale here. I wondered if the age of the speaker would cause the sound to degrade. Sure, I have heard people state how great their 40 yo speakers sound, but could that be like shocks on a car? You won't notice how much less they are until it is changed.Just a curious thought as to 10 - 20 years down the road, can I expect the speakers to sound as good, especially when laying out a lot of quag.

Showing 1 response by kodak805

The OP inquired about loudspeaker degradation over time. Instead, he gets a discourse about tuners. Kijanki gave the only useful response.

Foam driver surrounds deteriorate and need replacing. How soon depends on the heat and humidity of the environment in which they operate.

I hope this helps.