Thank you for starting this thread, I have a question about your statement:
In the case of SME, the expected mounting hole to stylus tip distance being 3/8" or in more 'current metrics' 9.52 mm.
I also thought I read this somewhere, where did you get this information?
I contacted Yip at Mint protractor for the expected cartridge mounting to stylus tip distance but got no answer.
I use the SME IV.Vi with a Lyra Skala, I believe the Lyra has the 9.52mm cartridge mounting to stylus tip distance, so I should be close to SME's recommended 215.35mm mounting distance.
I have a protractor made to the 215.35mm spec by Ken Willis via the Vinyl Asylum over at AA, it includes Baerwald, Stevenson and Loefgren. I have only set up with Baerwand so far. I want to try a Mint protractor so hopefully from this thread I can gain enough knowledge to just order one made to my specs.