Will my Krell drive a 2 ohm load?

Apologies for posting the question twice.  I realize the title of my first post was maybe too limiting.  The forum software won’t let me edit it.

i’ll be using my Krell KAV-250a to drive my Magnepan 3.3r bass panels in an active biamp setup along with a pair of DWM bass panels.  Together they’ll present a 2 ohm impedance load to the Krell.  Can the Krell handle that?
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Showing 3 responses by georgehifi

Yes it's not that they can drive big current down to a short, it has protection circuits that either switch the amp off during a shorted output or severely current limit it's output, not a great thing it's said for sound quality.
As you'll find amps like Agostino, Gryphon, Krell, ect ect don't use these types of circuits as they are said to be detrimental to the sound, but then they can also blow up if shorted.

Cheers George  
You might want to try an Anthem P2 (stereo) or P5 (5 channel) they can drive anything down to 0 ohms (shorting) and do it all day.
Can you post a link to where it says that?

Cheers George

Your Krell while good, isn't the typically pictured brute Krell that can drive a locomotive, or maybe a 2ohm load properly with conviction. 
I would say no to it driving that combined load well. The KSA150 type  Krell's would be better.

Cheers George