I think the Internet will undoubtedly greatly affect the High-end - whether it destroys it or just changes it is for the high-end to decide. I see manufacturers decrying the influence of the internet and completely rejecting it and I think, "you're probably not long for this world". Same with dealers who have relatively rigid pricing structures and levels of service. Obviously, the dealers who charge high prices and don't offer any real service are going to go away - we've all got better choices if we don't get value-added service from a dealer. But even if we do, there are ways to get that value-add by ourselves and the internet provides easy access to a lot of that. Product research and comparison is easier than ever. The used equipment marketplace is more liquid than ever, which makes it a value-driven marketplace. Technology drives better sound at ever cheaper prices. While many will argue that it's not "good" sound, that's a high-end point of view, and the customers who want better sound but will never be interested in the pricier enhancements for "good" sound will be swayed by it and, thus, potentially never enter the high-end.
At the end of the day, the internet levels the playing field and demands flexibility, regardless of the business almost. The high end is not immune to this need for flexibility and it may or may not adapt. I personally don't think the high-end will ever be destroyed or go away, but it will definitely change over time. -Kirk