Will I need A moving coil set up device?

I am considering buying A Conrad johnson premier 3 preamp. Stereophile reviewed it using A moving coil device saying,(the premier three used with the HV-la has just enough gain so that you can use it with any moving coil cartage with A minimum of 2mv output.) I have A benz micro MC with 4mv output. I am also concerned with the asking price of $1250. and the availability of tubes.
Or, if you still want to purchase the CJ premier 3 you might want to look at the Bobs Devices site.I do not have any experience with his SUT's but I am told they cant be beat at the price.Best of luck in your decision
I use one of the Bob's Devices CineMag SUTs and it is very good; see recent mini review in Stereophile.
I looked at Bobs devices site. It is very informative but I will reconsider A external phono stage after all for several reasons. Ill have A larger selection of preamps to choose from (many do not have a phono stage at all). And I wont have to worry if my cartridge is compatible or not.Make sense? Billy