Will I benifit form a external phono stage

I currently have a rega p-25 with a benz HO ACE cartridge
My preamp is a Mcintosh c-42 its phono stage is set up for
a MM cartridge thats why I have a HO on the p-25. Will I
notice any sonic inprovement if I was to put a tubed phono
stage (BATvkp5 or Audio Research PH3SE) into a solid state
system. This would allow me to put a LO cartridge on the
rega p-25. Any imput on my quest to improve my analog section is appreciated. thanks David

Showing 1 response by weiserb

The PH3 and Bat are much better and more musical than the stock Mac Phono stage. You should hear better defination and more air around the instruments along with more natural timbers etc.