Will high SPL subwoofers damage planar speakers?


I am looking at upgrading my mains to something in the realm of the Quad 989s or the like. I am worried that placing them in front of my Audiophysic Luna subwoofers may cause damage to the panels by forcing them to move from SPLs in the 100-110db range. Has anyone experienced this problem, or can set my mind at ease about possibly damaging the panels in an electrostatic speaker given this configuration?


Showing 3 responses by rrog

There is no perfect speaker. Some speakers excel at rattling light cans from the ceiling and other speakers excel at nuance and truth of timbre. They all have their place and everyone has different taste.
Quad 989 speakers will be damaged with high volume levels and they are very expensive to repair. If you listen at high volume this is not the speaker for you.
"Quad's on the other hand will go into protection mode if played over about 95db."

The protection circuit is not saving Quads from damage.