Will dedicated power lines eliminate ground loops

I am in the process of lining up an electrician to install five dedicated circuits (with Wattgate outlets)for my audio system. Last week I added a BAT V75 SE amp to my system and as happens almost every time a new piece is introduced, I'm having to track down a ground loop or the source of a buzz. Will dedicated power lines help eliminate this problem once and for all? Thanks.

Showing 1 response by stehno

BAT products seem to be more susceptible to hums than the average mfg'er.

The generic response is:

Lifting or floating the grounds or installing an isolated ground for these dedicated lines should help.

Also, ensure that no TV, TV cable, satellite, cable box, etc. are associated in any way with these new dedicated lines.

For best sonics, I would recommend lifting the grounds from all components except for the preamp.