Will China become the poor man’s dealer for high end audio?

With the insane prices now being asked for audio equipment from manufacturers around the globe is china going to fill in the gap between the haves and have-nots.? We are already seeing some signs of this with manufacturers like Jays Audio and Denafrips offering product-performance prices below global market value. The only thing I see holding them back is they will always be one leg behind the rest of the world since they copy most of the technology they use and world wide acceptance.


Showing 5 responses by texbychoice

The original question is about now and the future.  History from hundreds of years ago is a broader topic involving context to understand how and why.  I put more value in first hand experience of the last 20 years. There is a common theme related by people that have spent time in China doing business.  The average person is hard working and willing to learn a skill in order to build a better life.  A better life means elevating themselves to achieve a higher goal of elevating the country of China.  Higher education is reserved for those showing potential as defined by the government.

Also, directly from people doing business is that China is very good at copying, including mistakes.  In Engineering classes Chinese students frequently held the highest GPAs, knowing that number would determine job assignment when returning home.  They were very good at memorizing and taking tests.  Applying book learning to practical situations was a weakness.  In laboratory work, most Chinese students fell to just average.  Some did not have the common sense to keep their fingers out of live electrical circuits.

Can Chinese companies compete in high end HiFi gear.  Yes, but not with innovation.

You judged more than one billion people by anecdotes and ridiculous affirmation..

NO, NO, NO @mahgister.  You jumped to that grossly exaggerated assumption and then go completely off the rails adding "anecdotes" and "ridiculous affirmation".  Did not say China is incapable of innovation in any field, only high end audio. There are very few true innovators worldwide in audio.  

I stated FACT from first hand college experience and discussion with multiple people doing business in China. I will take first hand experience from credible people over studies any day.

You have different FIRST HAND experience to offer not produced by others, let's hear it. 


You speak as someone who could say with the same kind of prejudices that all americans are without tact nor education and  despise  anything  which is non american ... Saying that about ALL americans would be a gross caricature , even if someone add that he learned this in college discussion and with serious people doinf business in America ...Saying that china is unable to became creative even in high end audio is a CARICATURE, not a fact..

@mahgister  Respectfully, you need to read my words again and not bring along your own prejudice and bias.  First hand experience is the foundation of my statements.  Nothing you say has any bearing on my actual face to face experience.  Really presumptuous and arrogant to claim my experience is a caricature. You have a different first hand experience, fine, let's hear it. 

Creativity, that you newly introduce, is different than innovation.  Innovation is a completely different approach to design or manufacturing.  Creativity is a broad brush, ill defined terminology. 

Will China become the poor man’s dealer for high end audio?

Remember all, that was the original question.  Not does China have a long and rich history.  Not a question even remotely connected to the entire population of China.  Not a question related to Chinese capability in other areas of technology, real or imaginary proposed in a study.

Innovation has been thrown around as a talking point.  An overused term diluted by legions of marketing departments.  Tweaking well established designs is not innovation.  Combining old and new technology (tubes and solid state) is not innovation.  Flashy packaging is not innovation.  Real innovation is solving a problem or need with a new, different, and never done before approach.

Topping has made a name with good measuring products that are inexpensive.  Is that innovation?  NO.  Simply cutting costs to the minimum, particularly labor and quality.  Cost more to repair a failure than just buy a new unit.  Better, Faster, Cheaper - pick any two remains true.  

Denafrips has been well received for performance and quality in the mid-Fi zone. Claims of hand matched components.  Hardly any innovation there.  R2R DAC, done before.  Also, not clear whether Denafrips is really a Chinese company.  Made in China certainly.

Is there an existing Chinese Hi End Audio company?  Is there???

After all that i have said about chinese people creativity, i want to be clear now , the CCP is not China , but an abominable dictatorship of the worst kind imposed upon china... There is no choice nor any freedom in China...  I hope to be clear...

There it is, the elephant in the room @mahgister finally mentioned.  If something is important to the CCP, it will happen.  If not important to the CCP, not likely to happen.  

Is it important to the CCP to have a competitive Hi End Audio industry?  By competitive, that means more than a couple companies allowed to exist simply for CCP PR purposes. 


My posts were there against the idiotic claims and prejudices expressed here against chinese culture... The CCP is NOT chinese culture...The nazi nor the soviet were german and russian culture...

@mahgister You are the one that erroneously conflated simple factual statements about face to face experience related to specific situations into a gross slur against an entire population.  Nothing of the sort happened, except in your imagination.

You are the one that introduced the CCP.  Now you want to backtrack as if the CCP has no influence on the lives and future of the population.  

You have created a mountain out of a mole hill with long rambling posts full of virtue signaling, feigned outrage, and tone of intellectual superiority.