Will audio gear be ok in unheated house

I have a cottage.   I drain the pipes and the house is left unheated over the winter.  I have been taking my audio gear home (except for the speakers)  when I leave in the fall  for theft worries, but  mostly because I am not sure  the equipment will be OK in an unheated house in an often damp environment until the late spring when I return.

It is a pain taking it back and forth and I would prefer to leave it there.  Maybe in garbage bags with some bags of dessicant in the garbage bags.

Anybody have any experience with this.  I have been unable to find a good answer searching the web.




Showing 2 responses by hsounds

Hello, When you are ready to listen make sure the equipment is acclimated to the living temperature of the house. Like 70 degrees. Once you have done that plug everything in and put in standby to let the capacitors charge up a little. After 24 hours start listening. You are preventing condensation and properly charging the system. I hope this helps. 

I like the idea from Surfmuz. You can take it to another level by wrapping it in plastic or a garbage bag and putting some desiccant in with the components. You can buy a bunch for under $20. That combined with the process listed above you are set. They can only be used once unless you buy the rechargeable kind.