Will adding a preamp dramatically change my sound?

You can link to my system below, but basically it is a Cary CD player with internal analog volume control direct to a Spectron Musician II amplifier into Totem Forest Speakers, with quality cables and power cords. Honestly I don't feel anything is lacking, but still find myself getting curious about what effect a preamp would have. Anyone have any experience going from a CD direct to amplifier, and later adding a preamplifier? To what result?

Showing 1 response by dazzdax

Can any of you explain why an active preamp is to be preferred instead of passive preamp or no preamp at all? In my system an active preamp is better because I hear more bass slam, there is an "organic" quality to the music and midrange has more "bloom". These findings are quite similar to Sgunther's (see his post).
