Will adding a preamp dramatically change my sound?

You can link to my system below, but basically it is a Cary CD player with internal analog volume control direct to a Spectron Musician II amplifier into Totem Forest Speakers, with quality cables and power cords. Honestly I don't feel anything is lacking, but still find myself getting curious about what effect a preamp would have. Anyone have any experience going from a CD direct to amplifier, and later adding a preamplifier? To what result?

Showing 1 response by audvidsvs

I have had it work both ways depending upon the exact components you are working with as usual.

Sometimes the Pre-Amp helps,sometimes it does not.
You just have to try and see.

Some Combinations are better than others and there are so many variables I can not predict the result.

On another note,I wonder if you are employing the FeedbAck Signal Sense Circuits in the Musician II ?

I have been experimenting with this and have yet to fail to be amazed with the improvement this has made.

At first I was under the impression that I needed special cables to get this to work but it turns out this is not really the case.

I would try this first if using a Spectron.
