Will Accuphase E-800 be enough to power Klipsch La Scala speakers?

I am not familiar with power and other electrical terms but am interested in the above combination. From the E-800 spec sheet at 8ohms, the amplifier can deliver 50W continuous power. The La Scala spec sheet has 100W/400W under Power Handling. All I have read is that the La Scalas do not need that much power to drive them. Am I interpreting the spec sheets correctly in that there is not enough power in the amp? I am feeing I am interpreting the requirements incorrectly.


Showing 1 response by jpcmrc

My first real speakers were Klipsch La Scala's that I bought in 1973 when I was still in high school! They are probably one of the most efficient speakers ever built. It doesn't take much to drive them at exceptionally high levels. My first system included a Thorens TD-125AB turntable with a Stanton cartridge. My one concession to making the system affordable was a Pioneer integrated amp which I planned to upgrade when I could afford it.  I talked my Dad into cosigning for the loan by telling him that I wanted the stereo more than a car. I loaned them to friends several times to use as PA speakers at live concerts. They were special but they were monsters!  We used to crank them up so loud that you couldn't actually tell where the sound was coming from!