Will a Full Page Ad Guarantee a Review?

Do you think there is a correlation between the two? Zucable has a full page ad in a major pub. How many months will that have to run to guarantee a review?

Showing 1 response by warrenh

It would appear that when the all mighty $ is involved, (and when isn't it in this case) impartiality, agenda, whatever, is going to come into play. I would love for Zucable to get one of their speakers reviewed by one of the big pubs. It would be wonderful for Zu and audiophools to boot. If it does happen, I just wonder (I'm sure Stereophile would lie to the death) if the Zu boys would get one of their babies reviewed without a full page spread. Don't get hung up (my fault I suppose) on "guarantee." How's strongly influence? Ya know what I'm getting at...