Wilco on Austin City Limits

I saw them on Austin City Limits recently and was really impressed with this band. They have a great sound, interesting lyrics and Nels Cline is an absolute MF on the guitar.

Anybody heard Nels new album?

Showing 2 responses by dgarretson

I have Nels Cline Singers "Draw Breath", "Destroy all Nels Cline", and "Downpour(Live)." They are all fine, with melodic lyrical playing that is recognizably Wilco and evocative of Allmans "Eat a Peach," side-by-side with wild compositions more from the NYC loft jazz scene. IMO Cline is the best guitarist working at the boundary between rock & jazz.
Wilco seems increasingly shaped by Cline's loft jazz-- which is both good and bad in the sense that while the band has become more experimental and technically polished, it has strayed further from roots and R&R. Agree with Loomis that the head went with Wilco and the heart with Uncle Tupelo and further into Son Volt and Gob Iron. The latest Son Volt & Gob Iron albums are very fine and confirm Farrar's seriousness & lasting importance. I can do without most of Uncle Tupelo and early Wilco, but not without Farrar's recent mature incarnations.