Wifi ethernet jack recommendation

I am setting up a new room and I have a long list of tasks. Rather than run Ethernet or fiber right now, I was thinking of using a wifi endpoint with an Ethernet jack. Several folks on the forum have stated that they work well. I may wire up later, but in the meantime, any recommendations for a specific model that you have used and works well for audio?


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I placed my entry fiber AT&T modem in pass-thru mode (to avoid double IP address) and use 2 piece TP-Link DECCO XE75 Mesh routers (with Ethernet outputs).  Selecting 6E type router (tri-band) was important to me because there is a lot of traffic nearby on 2.4 & 5GHz.  First unit is plugged directly into AT&T modem and communicates with the second on 6GHz.  There is no traffic on this band here yet and so far I have not experienced a single drop.  My computer modem works on 6GHz and everything else works on 5GHz (including Airport Express).  I eliminated 2.4GHz band since I don’t need, but others use it (to be a good neighbor).  Modems like one from AT&T or TP-Link DECCO allow simultaneous transmission on 2.4GHz and 5GHz claiming better performance, but I found that it often selects 2.4GHz where signal is stronger (penetrates walls better) with only three independent channels (each channel 3.5 of 12 channels wide) - a lot of interference.