wife's observation

I have a Rotel RC-1070 pre and RB-1070 amp which power a pair of B&W804Ns. I recently replace my standard 14 ga speaker wire with 14 ga 4 wire (65 strands/wire OFC) and biwired the 804s. My lovely wife has commented that since the switch the sound level has dimished, meaning it is not as loud at the same volume setting as previously observed with the standard 2 wire speaker cable. Is this possible? i can't really tell a difference since we rarely go past 33% total volume. Thanks guys.

Showing 1 response by etbaby

Bigger is not necessarily better. All cables are filters that pass some frequencies better than others. The work of a cable designer is to uniformly extend the frequency and power output of the cable by altering resisitance, inductance and capacitance. The cable that you substituted probably has a lower resistance (bigger gauge size) but a higher capacitance (I cannot comment on inductance-not enough information given about the cable design). Your wife is hearing the change frequency and power output caused by the insertion of the new cable and the interaction of the cable with the speakers network.

By the way you should be able to hear this change too. It is not suttle.