Wife approval factor?

So it seems that alot of you guys seem to have problems with your wifes or girlfriends on speaker issues and I was wondering what type of women yall date/married.

My mother has always approved of my speakers and has generally liked them. And my girlfriend also loves my speakers. When she heard my new JM Lab speakers she hugged me and gave me a kiss before she started dancing with me. Am I just lucky or what? Or are yall even serieous about the wife thing?
If you have thin skin, it's going to be tough going for you on the 'gon. We're just a bunch of audiophools having fun. Relax...they just let Slappy out. A little air, after being in a straight jacket for awhile can do crazy things to the brain...
In the end I usually get what I want buy just simply buying it. Something about begging for forgiveness versus asking for permission.

I sneek it in.Got a friend that helps me lie.When she asks is that new,i say no.After al i do buy it used on audiogon.I think they know ,just doesnt say anything

I have considered using that method as well, as I have a friend who has on severl occasions suggested it, but have not followed through with it. I guess I would rather face the music so to speak than undermine our relationship. Out of curriosity how do you sneek in things that are obvious like speakers.

WAF factor is a serious as it gets... so glad Accorddude's Mom like's his speakers. And getting a smooch from the GF is great (of course when your dating so much is easy to do if there might be a ring in sight) but us married people have extreamly serious things to be concerned with in our relationships. Like keeping our spouses saying yes in our quest to acheive sonic nirvana. But we can all take a certain amount of pride doing a good job at tuning our rooms AND our spouses at the same time! It always amazes me how I can come up with a really, really great idea only to find out I the biggest dummy this side of Jupiter for suggesting a plant might move a few feet to the left. Alas... I relish a challenge and keeping my darling feeling loved and cherished is what's important.