Wife Acceptance Factor

I hear alot about Wife Acceptance Factor when it comes to equipment. I'm getting married in 6 months. Fortunately, my fiance is pretty accepting of the hobby. Just curious about all those guys out there who have a family and are still allowed to invest their spending money almost entirely on audio equipment. After you get married, do most women step in and try to squash spending on this hobby? Opinions welcome!!!

Showing 3 responses by vvrinc

Look! Get real! Ok?

It’s either tube rings or wedding rings.

You still have time to think about it.

Good, you are warming up now. Take a look in her closet and count the pairs of shoes, that should prove instructive. The fashion lifetime of each pair is/was, give-or-take, 25 minutes.

Classical, that sounds like wishful thinking. What if she is a tube/analog chick and you like digital and SS? Huh?

Disclosure: I’ve been married for 27 years and have been very, very, very ha..., ha..., hap...hap...haaap...happp...

(Allright, I’ll try again in a little while, got to go shrink my nose.)
