Wife Acceptance Factor

I hear alot about Wife Acceptance Factor when it comes to equipment. I'm getting married in 6 months. Fortunately, my fiance is pretty accepting of the hobby. Just curious about all those guys out there who have a family and are still allowed to invest their spending money almost entirely on audio equipment. After you get married, do most women step in and try to squash spending on this hobby? Opinions welcome!!!

Showing 4 responses by krellm7

Trust me I work in the business the WAF is very real.
I don't know how many nu*less guys I have run across.
It is funny how they let ther wifes run there lives,
they tell me they want hi end sound but only can have bose size speakers then I laugh & tell the it will never happen.
The I have to explain to them why you can't get good sound through small speakers. (I must deprogram them from the bose commercials)I don't understand why they just don't tell there wifes to shut it, it's my money, & I will buy what I want!
Seems to be the other way around. Sometimes though you get that wonderfull wife who likes the stuff & encourages them to buy what they want. I told my girlfrined that this is my hobby I will always do it & if you don't like it then either deal with it or leave because it was here before you & it will be here after you. IMHO
(I know, im not married so I have no idea what it's like, & I should just wait till im married then ill give in) NOT!!
We need to make a pair of puke green klipschorns, put them in your house for one month then let you see if your wife will let you get those new speakers!!