Widespread Panic - Their best album?

I'd heard a couple of their tunes when I used to live in Chicago years ago and seem to remember I liked them. Don't remember which tunes though.

And even though I say album, I mean cd. If any are HDCD I'd also like to know that as well. Thanks.

Showing 6 responses by perfectionist

Thanks for the response Jclyle, they just played live here (Phoenix) and I didn't go see them as I still haven't bought one of their albums and am unfamiliar with their music. In any event, I will probably pick up Everyday on your recommendation, thanks.
Saw them last night on (PBS) Austin City Limits-didn't catch what year it was recorded in. Great show, unfortunately, the recording was less than stellar.
Very talented group of musicians...

Chadburr, thank you for the offer, but wouldn't those be pretty poor recordings?
Caught the Austin City Limits' show again last night that I referenced on 2/4/06. I guess I was in a better frame of mind last night, 'cause I was blown away. These guys are way talanted! Again, a terrible recording for some reason though. I still have not picked up one of their albums, but after last night, my next cd purchase will definetely be W.P. Probably either Everyday or Space Wrangler. I'll see what I can get my hands on locally.

Anybody know which is the better recording of the two?
I picked up Everyday and Till the Medicine Takes. Everyday is a great album, not a bum track on it, and IMO, it is a very good recording. It is warm and inviting with great weight and bass. If you like rock, I highly recommend that you add this disc to your collection. I haven't listened too much to Till the Medicine Takes yet so I'll wait to comment on that one. But if your always looking to add some quality r&r to your collection, pick up Everyday, you won't be sorry.

Glad to see some additional comments on this thread. I absolutely love Everyday and it has actually become one of my "reference" recordings, especially since making some system changes shortly after picking up Everyday and Till the Medicine Takes. I don't feel that "Till" is on the same level as Everyday, music wise or recording wise. One might think that since "till" was recorded six years after "every" that it would be a better recording, but that's not the case. Same record label, but different studios and engineers. One of the ways I judge a great album is if I can listen to it from start to finish, without skipping any tracks, and it holds my attention and/or I don't get bored with it. For me, Everyday is one of those albums. And it truly is a VERY GOOD recording. It is such a mellow recording with no grain or harshness, and as I said on 9/30, the weight and bass is simply astonishing.

They have so many albums that I'm not sure which one to pick up next, and can any of them really measure up to Everyday? So, Widespread fans, given my thoughts here, what album would be the next logical step to take?