Widening Soundstage

Question for the Audiophile Experts

How do I go about widening my soundstage without moving my speakers further apart
I like the imaging i'm getting but want a bit more air in the music
Any ideas how to proceed
Check out my systems page for details on positioning and equipment

Showing 10 responses by musicfile

If you read my systems page the dimensions of the room and postioning is noted please have a look
Looking forward to hearing your input on the subject

Thanks to the other posters for providing your suggestions
Wow Thanks for the input ..I have a bit of reading to do

First off I've been experimenting with various speaker postioning and found the following

Posioning the speakers with no toe in definitely widens the soundstage but at the expense of imaging

I have measured the room and it's fairly even for bass response and mid range except for a 12db null at 80hz
The bass from time to time is not as quick as I would like it and would like it a bit tighter

Also, not sure if it's clearly visible in pictures but my staircase to the left really creates an imbalance for imaging expecially since it's so close to the listening positon.

For those reading please come the suggestions coming ln light of the additonal information provided


Are you suggesting I toe them out
Both of the speakers ??
I'm worried about the Left speaker as toeing it out will interfere more with the diagonal wall in front (my staircase)

I have no intention of changing speakers the Sasons are fabulous speakers and will be in my possession for a long long time ..I'm just trying to optimize the room and my musical experience

Thanks to everyone for your informative replies
Previously I had the speakers approx 6 feet apart and thought the soundstage was a bit narrow so I moved them approx foot wider with slight toe in (15-20%)and left them as is. The sound is good but a bit wider sounstage would be ideal

I may try moving my listening chair a bit more forward and see how that works out

The speakers have been re positoned
For critical listening a thick blanket covers the television

Have a look at the revised pictures and let me know if you would do anything differently
The rooom positioning needs to stay as due to WAF
Yes, it does !

it's a bit early to comment but at the moment it does definitely sound better and i've managed to widen the soundstage.

Will listen some more and report back

Thanks for all your helpfull input

Yes you're correct Swampwalker
This is a nearfield setup
I have the speakers set up in an equalteral triangle of 6'8" from middle of the speakers and slightly toed in
The room is approx 11x18
Imaging is not an issue unless I spread them way apart ..something I can't do even I would like to
That's a good suggestion and certainly different
I appreciate your "out of box" thinking
Some more improvements to the issue at hand

I found that by angling a mattress (roughly 30 degrees) behind my listening chair this helped widen the soundstage
and cleaned things up a bit - not sure why this is the case perhaps experts can chime in here

I also installed pio russian caps in my amps and this made everything so much more musical and soundstage widened a bit as well

Wow what a difference a month makes !!!