Why would I need Roon?

I have a Blue sound streamer with plenty of files at my fingertips, via a hard drive plugged in the back and multiple streaming services. Can someone help me understand what Roon would add to my set-up? Thanks. 

Showing 1 response by woots

I had been researching Roon since January of this year and finally made the purchase 2 weeks ago.  To me, one of the best features is the speed in which it can access music from my NAS or Tidal. There is literally no empty air space while it accesses your selection or picks the next song to play. 
Other great features include:

Playlist continuation....after your playlist is completed it continues to play music similar to your playlist and if you don’t like a track it selects for you then you can skip it. 
I have music on in the background while I work and I select a playlist and it plays all day based off the playlist I selected with new and similar music to my playlist. 
The sound quality is significantly better than I was getting through Sonos using my portable hard drive. I’m still using Sonos in some zones and the sound is vastly improved. 
Roon easily plays all types of files including DSD which was not easily accessed before my purchase.  
I don’t have a separate dac or streamer I just use Roon for everything.  
Best purchase I have made for my system easily.  