Why wont speaker companies publish their measurements?

It's not ok to assess the quality of a speaker just by listening to it. Most listeners are not trained. They dont have the skills or knowledge of an expert like me to know what the hell they are listening for. There are too many other variables that affect the sound quality such as room acoustics, source material, amp quality, hearing loss, preference etc. For all these reasons, we MUST rely on speaker measurements ALONE when deciding how good a speaker is. 

The problem is however that the wretched speaker companies WONT DO IT! They just will not publish their measurements. 

Are they embarrassed? Are they hiding it? Do they even have the measurements? Worried they wont match if somebody else does the measurements?

Speaker companies cannot claim that their speaker is superior to a competitors speaker since neither of them will publish their measurements. As a result the claims are uncorroborated HOGWASH. Despite this, there is intense competition among the speaker companies. There is a WAR going on out there and its a war that cannot be won!

The only way to separate the wheat from the chaff is to examine the measurements. Until that happens nobody has the right to claim that one speaker is better than another. Nobody knows which speakers are better than others. Until the day comes when they will publish the data, its all just hearsay and opinions.

If you want to be a first rate audiophile, do not settle for anything less than the TRUTH. We deserve it.


Showing 14 responses by kenjit

doesnt matter. The measurements are meaningless unless everybody does 'em. What speakers are they?

Many companies do publish useful measurements to help people choose. Stick with those if desired.
Go to Magicos website and show me where the measurements are.

Also Stereophile and other orgs actually measure gear they review including speakers.....also useful.
So that absolves the speaker companies of responsibility does it now?  No it does not.

Most people could care less about specs and measurements.
Thats because most people are not TRUE audiophiles. Being a true audiophile requires the pursuit of PERFECTION, not simply what you think sounds best to your ears. I am now revoking your title of Audiophile. You are hereby demoted to AMATEUR HOBBYIST with immediate effect.

All the best,

Master Kenjit.

Senior Audiophile 
Dill I have had a look at your speakers and I can see that they have a lot of problems that will need to be fixed. I can tell you that there is a lot of distortion going on inside your speakers. You would be shocked. It is very important to have zero distortion speakers Dill. Wood is never a good material to use as it isnt strong enough. Unfortunately your speakers are wooden. The drivers dont look very good either. What are they? 
I can find every measurement I wanted for my speakers on the manufacturer website.
Thats because you are probably looking at the wrong measurements. We are not talking about weight and size. 
how do we know youre not trolling djones51? where is the proof? 
You dont know what i have. Maybe i have a Magico in my house? you know nothing. DSP is not used by 99% of high end speakers. 

The genelecs are bad speakers. Very bad. I have heard them. Nobody on here shares your enthusiasm for them. They are never mentioned on here. They are studio speakers. Everybody knows studio speakers sound bad. Ever heard a yamaha ns10? They are shockingly BAD

Dill if you want my expert advice, you are going to have to face up to the facts. If you want better sound you are just going to have to get rid of those nasty speakers you have. I used to own wooden boxes like that before. They are ok for teenagers or people that dont require a high level of sound quality. But if you want PERFECT sound, you will need to upgrade. If you knock on your wooden boxes, you will hear a nasty resonance. Unfortunately you will have a lot of midrange leakage out the front port too. And since it a sealed box you have trapped all that horrible sound inside where it cant get out. Kef use meta technology to remove this leakage but yours obviously dont use meta technology so it wont  be as good. As you can see speaker design is not easy. It requires a lot of knowledge to get it right. 
If your talking about the in depth detail that Stereophile go into when they measure speakers, it's because most don't have that kind of expensive measuring equipment/room, just the basics.
Great answer. Nice to know the speaker companies dont have that kind of equipment.
Don’t know what you’re talking about kenjit, Tekton publishes their speaker measurements. The Moab for example is 14x17x69.
Wrong measurements I’m afraid.
If they did give you the numbers, and they were what you liked, what would you do if the speakers still sounded BAD to you?
They wouldn’t. They would only sound bad if the recording was bad or the acoustics. There are obviously other variables at play
Genelec 8351B
Ive heard the smaller ones. Not that good. Horrible things. Measurements have to be standardized. We need the CORRECT and COMPLETE measurements not just the ones the speaker companies find convenient. Not just one or two that look good and omitting the ones that are bad. The genelecs use DSP to achieve flat response. Thats cheating. Anybody could do that.
No, I'm not. Everything from the simple specs to waterfall plots.
Have they been verified? Can they be trusted? No they cannot. And what good would it be anyway if only a few companies publish their measurements and nobody else does? You cant compare them if everybody doesnt do it. Dont be so naive
KEnjit I hate to break the news to you but trolling audiophiles is no great accomplishment.  
There is no such thing as trolling. It cant be proven.
when you start you own speaker company I will look for the specs and measurements so you can show everyone how to do it right.
There wont be any measurements. They will be hand tuned by ear and they will cost upwards of $100K. Demo by appointment only. Proof of income will be required. 

All the best.
AudiogoN is not worried about what your opinion is when it comes to forum guidelines.
what guidelines? there are no guidelines. Even if there were, they dont stick to it.
I have a few different ones. They are custom tuned. I dont have a permanent set of speakers because the pursuit of perfection is a lifelong quest. Nothing is ever good enough for me. So things are always being modified. 
If you know where to look you can find this stuff instead of bitching about it
Or maybe the speaker companies should publish them so that people like me dont have to bitch about it? Did that ever occur to you?

Whats the REASON they wont do it?  Do you have any answers to that? 
This hyena has started more threads - only to end up deleted - than any member I can remember in twenty years of being here.  LOL
You can delete the threads all you want but the TRUTH will remain. I have already told Audiogon that it will only harm their reputation if people find out that they delete posts which Audiogon find inconvenient.