Why the limit on warranty to subsequent purchasor?

I have been looking into picking up a used high end CD player but I am finding that warranties are not transferrable from the original owner? I don't understand this. Maybe on a $500 unit, but a $5000 unit with no transferrable warranty, it makes me want to run from that manufacturer.
You might be right, Daniel. I suppose it might be too much to ask a manufacturer to buy into his own hype. Still, I like the unit and I am glad I bought it......
Sean,Amen. If a product is well built and well designed it doesnt matter if its a second or third owner it should last at least awhile, as the price of high end gear is not cheap.If I shell out $7000 for an amp it should hold up for some time if I give to my brother 4 years down the road it should work for him too.
i have owned krell,cj,and levinson. i have had problems develop in each of these units after the warranty expired. the units were purchased new by me. in each instance the companys mentioned fixed the problem with no attitude or charge for parts or labor. one company charged for return shipping.if these companys choose not to extend the warranty to second or third owners, i don't think this is a reflection of the build quality of the product. i bet im not the only phile who has experienced this form of customer support. can you think of a single consumer product that provides free repair after the warranty expires? philes and the people who make the product's we enjoy are for the most part great people!