Why the lack of Virtual System postings?

If you've noticed the severe decrease in Virtual System activity since the new format was introduced, it is probably due to the restriction on included images, to no more than 50.
As I, and many others already have more than 50 included on our Virtual System page......we are unable to add any new ones.
This means that all the most active Members' Systems are stuck in a virtual 'Time Warp' circa 2015 ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ’ค
I have many new cartridges, power conditioners and cables as well as tweeks which I simply can't add.
I've written to the moderators and they say that their Tech Dept will modify this if enough members write in...๐Ÿ’ป
I have always thought the Virtual Systems section set A'Gon apart from all the other Audio Forum Sites and it is disheartening to see this feature wither and die...
What are your thoughts....โ“


Showing 8 responses by halcro

Oh thanks...๐Ÿ˜Ž
I wasn't really clear in my question.......
When you click on the Recent Activity Link here, you get the latest postings on many of those Virtual Systems.
Often there would be a dozen different systems every day which had additions to them visible on the Recent Activity Link.
Lately there are only two or three systems a day with Recent Activity and sometimes there is none....๐Ÿ˜ฑ
This never occurred with the old A'Gon and shows that the diehard members here who would keep their systems religiously 'up-to-date' are simply not bothering anymore.
And that is a pity and a general loss to the whole community IMO.

Haha...thanks hifiman ๐Ÿ˜Ž
I sometimes wonder myself why I need all those cartridges and the answer is....I don't ๐Ÿ˜œโ€ผ๏ธ
I've had mega-dollar LOMC cartridges but for the price of one of them, I can have 15 vintage MM cartridges and many of those 15 cartridges will give as much enjoyment as that single รผber price-buster.
And then it becomes a 'sickness'....
Is there another undiscovered gem out there which might sound even better...?
And of course I have 6 arms to feed and 5 of them allow for quick interchangeability between my many cartridges.
I am currently trying to pick my favourite 10 cartridges and match them to their favourite arms and then be done with it.....
But you know.....there still are cartridges out there I think I need to hear ๐ŸŽถ๐Ÿ‘€

I tried it just as you described it but I got 'SPUhttp://i.imgur.com/EqIWoaY.jpg' and I just wanted the SPU just like you have the 'voila'...๐Ÿ˜Ž
So I'm doing something wrongly....
How do I keep the SPU in blue but without the hyperlink added to it?
Ok,Ok I get the picture....
You think I have too many cartridges and too many pictures on my Virtual System page....๐Ÿ˜ฉSigh...
So your really don't want to see the renowned 40 year old Ortofon SPU-AE Gold?
or the legendary Victor MC-L1000 which has inspired the latest AT-ART1000 Direct Power cartridge?
Or the Yamamoto carbon fibre headshell (the new SAT tonearm copied this construction)?
So many images to add and no place to go ๐Ÿ˜ญ
So apparently the only way to become aware of posts by others to oneโ€™s own system thread is to look at it, and many people only seem to do that when they want to incorporate a change.

Good point Al....I wasn't aware of that 'subscribe' link either.
One question you may be able to answer......
In the old format A'Gon, one used to be able to attach a Link and by use of tabs [ ] one was able to 'name' the link instead of seeing the whole http:/etc.
I've seen some folks still able to accomplish this but I don't know how they do it.
Are you aware....?
Lew, there are many of us who have been 'hanging out' for photos and reviews of your 'fixed' Victor TT-101 hoot hoot..๐Ÿฆ
sbank, if you 'click' on the Poster's name (in blue at the top of their Posting) you will see a box with [Details, Posts, Discussions, This Discussion].
If you click on 'Details' you will see their Virtual System (if they have one).
That's how I know your System is called "Silence of the Lamms" ๐Ÿ˜€
I actually think this is an improvement over the 'old' system.
I just wonder why A'Gon had to change the Virtual Systems set-up at allโ“
I think it worked well and certainly....having the Virtual Systems at the front of the 'All Recent Activity' page was better IMO than having it at the end as it now is.
I think the biggest blunder they made when introducing the new system, was still not allowing the inclusion of pictures WITHIN the actual Post rather than having to go to a Link.
This, plus the inability to post a picture directly from one's computer (rather than having to use an external url address) has made A'Gon just a little less enjoyable for me.