Why the hate for mcintosh amps?

Why dont people,like mcintosh? Who motivates this?

so what are the alternatives??

Showing 12 responses by runwell

It is C2200 Mcintosh tube Preamplifier.

Even it is Tube Pre,it is big big different from Audio Research Pre.


@femoore12  I am the opposite. I use tube amplifier,and I definitely do not like the amplifier depending on specific NOS tube.

In my view, if that is the case, it means the design of the amplifier is not very good. Amplifiers should run good with stardard bulk tube we have right now. That is good design.


I can change the tube,there are several brands on the market, prices is different,and I will choose the good one I think.but I will never ever choose the NOS tube the price is  completed different from the new tube on the market. For example,300% or 400%.

If the amplifier get the good sound depend on such  expensive tube, it means the design has problem.

I used to have MC352 and 2100 (tube inside )combo for several years back I am in China.  During the listening period,I have deep understand of the sound. 
The key points is slow speed sound, and fat bass,with these 2 points you can never hear the real feeling of live perference if you have the CD.
But some old guy might love it,their sound is relex in some way. if you are  not ask  accurate  music,and you can accept their bass,you will take it.
With  these 2 points,I do not like either of them. so I sell out and enter Audio research world,which is whole different sound with fast speed and 3D body is quite large,do not mention the passion of the sound.

       I mean the preamplifier is tube one,if I do not remember wrong,it is 2100. I try to check online,but do not find out.


       Well,it is somewhat complicated. If you want to know the detail,I can explain.

There is live sound performance and amplifier re-produced sound.

so what is the standard of good amplifier?  Original,if the amplifier can make the soundstage as near as live,it is the good,but it is also very difficult.

so  let see the main points of the live soundstage we have,

With live soundstage , we have


high,mid,bass balance,

3d space ,



flavour,and more.

There are bunch of amplifiers we love and still not near to the live soundstage. Why?  The bottom line is the speed.  If the sound is very slow,it must be strong flavor to grip the listener ----- that are the old school tube  amplifier did.

Another line is the high,mid,bass balance

This brand is just have fat bass and slow. they just break the point 1 and point 2.

and left flavor only. Unless you are gripped by the their flavor, you will be happy with it.

Have I replied your question?

In fact,I do not want to say,as it will hurt the fans.







      Congratulation! I can feel your happiness!  What is  your preamplifier?  The pre in your system must be well matched.

      I do not hear your combo. But due to my long listening history ,I can feel the sound you heard a little bit. 

       The McIntosh amp is slow for sure in whatever condition, but for your system, it relatively can not felt  more due to the speaker is easy to propel and the amp is so powerful. 

          If you do the comparation ,maybe in another exhitbition you might find the chance, The speedy system will be quite differently.

          If you can,get any Audio research tube amplifier  home to try your same speakers, you will feel the different which is not small.

          Then you make another judge which one is the live soundstage?  I wish to hear you soon.




            I used a lot of different amps before,and bought brand new McIntosh MC352 and C2300,and use it for more than 5 years. 

           Then I get a chance to demo listen Audio Research, and then you know I become Audio Research fans.  Audio Research let me understand the speed of sound is top  important, more important then the flavor.

            Right now I use REF 75SE with LS25 MKI, which I will soon upgrade to 6SE.




"In fact, I am waiting on test reports of the newly announced MC3500 to see how these new 350 watt plus tube amps compare to the MC2301s."

   Are you working with McIntosh someway? It is my question.

@ walkertm

Thanks for your high comment on my listen experience. I just told what I think for my listening,and I do think it is important that we dare to say the real feeling,no matter which brand or which specific amp. As a forums,lot of people get the information when they do not have the chance to demo listen due to some limitation. So Do not demand it is 100% correct but your true feeling. Listening is a subjective activity and you do have different opinions with others,it is normal,and when you listen more and more,you finally find your personal taste,where you can enjoy the music. and different people in the different position of the whole procedure,and when we share the opinion without business motivation is  very helpful.