Why the hate for mcintosh amps?

Why dont people,like mcintosh? Who motivates this?

so what are the alternatives??

Showing 14 responses by femoore12

There are a number of audiophiles that think equipment cannot be good if it is popular. Their loss. 

If you haven't heard a McIntosh pre-amp or amp using NOS Mullards and Telefunken tubes, then I highly recommend you do if you have the opportunity. I just updated the signal tubes in my 275 and 2700 with these two and replaced the power tubes with Gold Lion. The clarity and separation of instruments and vocals in the music was worth the cash. The Telefunken added a nice little sparkle in the top that was not quite there before. The bass is also a lot more defined with the new power tubes. 

I keep getting farther down the rabbit hole.

The only time I see posts of people stating negative comments about McIntosh equipment is when someone asks why others always post negative comments about McIntosh equipment. Who cares if there are people that don't like McIntosh equipment? Buy what works for your ears and stop trying to get the on-line hive mind to agree with your choices. Some people just like to post negative comments to get others riled up. 

Who let out the secret that us McIntosh owners only bought their stuff because of resale value and it’s design?! Crap!! Next thing you will find out that we actually don’t even turn the components on to listen to music. We just look at figuring out to buy more of their gear to keep the resale value up. Foiled again!!
I liken McIntosh buyers to people who buy $300,000 Lamborghinis when they live in New Jersey - or any other place where they get a lot of snow.
A perpetual stage of smugness. I feel sorry for people that attack others based on what they like and do not like. It shows an emotional immaturity and a need to be “different” through proof of physical possessions. It has manifested into the role of the internet “gate keeper” in an attempt to elevate their own decisions in life as superior to others. Sad. 

Thank you for linking that review video. Very interesting comments on the difference between those amps. I like the Audio Excellence guys and their product reviews. 
I am curious why you consider not having a line-stage preamp is a flaw in their lineup. Do you think this limits adding a separate non-McIntosh phono stage?
If, to me, there is no discernible difference in sound between components (preamp, amp, speaker, etc.) I will always choose the one with better visual appearance and craftsmanship. I will even pay more for the better looking component and better craftsmanship all other parameters being equal. If that means I get pretty blue meters in the purchase, so be it. 
Let me quote myself so hopefully it becomes clear. 

"If, to me, there is no discernible difference in sound between components (preamp, amp, speaker, etc.) I will always choose the one with better visual appearance and craftsmanship.”

How do you infer by logic that I mean lower sound quality? I clearly stated that if there is no discernible difference in sound between components I will choose the one that has better visual appearance. I have no idea how that equals selection of inferior sound quality. 

I love the gate keepers on this forum. Even questions about what people do for a living in order to attack their comments. Who cares what I do for a living. Why in the hell is that even important?
You know femoore12 you can always return the gift.. No need to accept any of the gifts people offer.. Just sayin'

You are absolutely correct.

I completely agree with you. My MC275 is an amazing amplifier. I have no plans to ever replace it. 
McIntosh just announced they’ve reintroduced the MC3500 monoblock tube amplifier. The new version is powered by eight EL509S vacuum tubes. Available for order today. 

It’s priced way out of my league also. However, I find it interesting McIntosh seems more focused on tube amps these days. Interesting new tube amps being introduced.