@devilboy ,
I wouldn’t say you have a domination of the landscape when anything pro conservative is censored, demonetized or de-platformed.
It’s bad enough in the printed press where the Associated Press seem to set the agenda and tone for most of what’s published but as far as Social Media goes, the bias is undeniable and beyond any dispute.
Google (+YouTube), Twitter, Facebook (+ Instagram and WhatsApp) etc have all unashamedly been advocating a left wing bias.
They were all clearly partisan during the run-up to the election last year. Facebook even lent considerable financial aid to one of the parties and Twitter went as far as banning the account president of the US.
However, due to Biden’s less than stellar performance so far, not to mention some near comical press appearances, it can only be matter of time before even his staunchest allies and supporters might start displaying some dissent.
There’s already signs that the Murdoch owned Fox and Sky News have turned on the incumbent, big time.
@pauly,US inflation rates for 2021
Jan 1.4% Feb 1.7% Mar 2.6% Apr 4.2%
May 5.0% Jun 5.4% Jul 5.4%
Those are some pretty disheartening stats right there, ones that no global warming deflection tactics will soon eradicate.
The only thing perhaps saving Biden, for now, is the sobering thought of who his replacement might be.
As long as the extreme rich keep getting even more extremely richer, he’s liable to continue doing the job he was installed to do.
The rest of us meanwhile will have to manage as best we can and take some consolation in the knowledge that there are billions of people who would readily swap places with us here in the west instantly if they could.
We shouldn’t need to bring politics into this, but any discussion of the economy would be facile if we didn’t consider political decusion making.
Besides, these are truly incredible times. Many people I speak to are now gradually losing their confidence in any return to normality soon.
Looks like we’re all stuck with the new normal as we try to, pause for laughter, build back better.