Why the cost increase?

I went to buy materials for a speaker project. I also priced some T-111 siding on 8" centers, 5/8 thick, Ship lap.
I hadn’t picked up any sheets or anything in over 18 months.

48" x 96 x 5/8 wood siding was 19-26.00 and on sale 15-20.00 per sheet, NOW 74-84.00 per sheet.

MDF 3/4" 48 x 96" if you can find it. 45-55.00 per sheet it was 22.00 to 27.00 per sheet.

2x4x8 DF stud grade 1.99-3.00 per. Now 4-6.00 per stud,

There is no shortage but there sure is a LOT of price gouging. NOTHING changed. Just the price..

The quality is worse. The workers aren’t paid worth a crap...Why the increase?

I’m getting ready to finish my home out. WOW.. I might have to rethink this a bit..

The price all most tripled in 12-18 months.. This kind of stuff is NOT cool at ALL.

Just my opinion of course. Any projects you’re doing get put on hold or STOPED?

YES I’m very frugal. Money never came easy, and it leaves the same way..


Showing 6 responses by cd318

My post from earlier today got removed without any word of explanation.

Perhaps it true what they say about Americans and irony?

Or perhaps they do, and don’t allow satire?

Or perhaps we are now living in an Orwellian dystopia.

For real.

Seriously, why all of this heavy handed censorship? 

Why not just delete those words which were deemed to be so offensive?

That way, we'd all have a chance to learn the rules of the camp.

@devilboy ,
Does anyone actually know where all of this is heading?

We were casually informed back in Feb that the UK economy had shrunk to its lowest point for over 300 years!
And it continues to shrink as the national debt overtakes its GDP.

Meanwhile over in the US, from what we can gather via the mainstream media, things aren’t what they used to be.

The recent humiliation over the fall of Afghanistan suggests that some global transfer of power has already occurred.
The US debt threatens to also overtake its GDP.

Just how much further can this form of economic enslavement go? Are we all destined to end up as economic slaves paying ever increasing stealth taxes to enable our governments to repay ever increasing stealth interest repayments?

For sure people are concerned, people are worried, and it won’t surprise me to see them seeking ever increasingly desperate measures.History often has a way of repeating itself.

In the meantime there doesn’t seem to be too much that we can do about any of this. Other than try to stay healthy, try to stay afloat economically and maintain healthy relationships.
At least that way we can best face whatever it is that’s coming next.

Oh yeah, let’s not also forget about music and playback equipment. It might be behaviour akin to that of the band on the Titanic, but at the very least we can still choose the tunes and hope our posts don't keep getting deleted in the meantime.

A great post, with much to consider.

"For universal health care system, it is beyond my understanding that some people dont understand that health care are not there to create profits....It is beyond my understanding that people let the pharmaceutical globalist companies RUNNING the show in this pandemic..."

Beyond mine too.

Especially questions such as why was not every virus lab in the world immediately closed down in the aftermath of the Wuhan lab leak?

Questions such as why do Bill Gates and Tony Fauci have financial links to the Wuhan lab?

Or why has this become all about Pfizer v J&J v AZ/Oxford v Sputnik v the rest in a cut throat stab in the back battle for the lion’s share of global vaccine profits?

Why isn’t this about pooling knowledge and coming up with a safe vaccine that genuinely offers 95%+ protection against all variations?

"Reading and studying is easy but also hard work, people prefer to be afraid and pointing fingers to a ready made scapegoat and let the hard books alone on the shelves and pick the "leftist" or "rightist" ideology without understanding how they ALWAYS be played now by globalist and transhumanist powers controlling the agendas...."

Another great point, namely why don’t people want to consider that there may be powers and forces operating at a level above national governments?

Powers that ALL politicians of all denominations must remain beholden to. Perhaps we might ask ourselves just how much power do the global banks and global pharmaceuticals really have over our elected representatives?

"I will add nothing, it is like in audio matters....Forget the marketing, use your hand and brain like our OP and enjoy high level S.Q. at low cost...."

Yes, this must be the best advice. When I was in my teens I had a great thirst for knowledge which I hoped would lead me to the truth one day.

So I read and read and yet came coming up against the same advice the and time again - ’Think for yourself’.

I hated hearing this because I knew I knew nothing and was desperate for every shortcut going, yet here I am some 40 years later and those words now sound more truer than ever.

Here’s George Harrison offering the same advice back in 1965.

@devilboy ,
I wouldn’t say you have a domination of the landscape when anything pro conservative is censored, demonetized or de-platformed.

It’s bad enough in the printed press where the Associated Press seem to set the agenda and tone for most of what’s published but as far as Social Media goes, the bias is undeniable and beyond any dispute.

Google (+YouTube), Twitter, Facebook (+ Instagram and WhatsApp) etc have all unashamedly been advocating a left wing bias.

They were all clearly partisan during the run-up to the election last year. Facebook even lent considerable financial aid to one of the parties and Twitter went as far as banning the account president of the US.

However, due to Biden’s less than stellar performance so far, not to mention some near comical press appearances, it can only be matter of time before even his staunchest allies and supporters might start displaying some dissent.

There’s already signs that the Murdoch owned Fox and Sky News have turned on the incumbent, big time.

@pauly,US inflation rates for 2021
Jan 1.4% Feb 1.7% Mar 2.6% Apr 4.2%
May 5.0% Jun 5.4% Jul 5.4%

Those are some pretty disheartening stats right there, ones that no global warming deflection tactics will soon eradicate.

The only thing perhaps saving Biden, for now, is the sobering thought of who his replacement might be.

As long as the extreme rich keep getting even more extremely richer, he’s liable to continue doing the job he was installed to do.

The rest of us meanwhile will have to manage as best we can and take some consolation in the knowledge that there are billions of people who would readily swap places with us here in the west instantly if they could.

We shouldn’t need to bring politics into this, but any discussion of the economy would be facile if we didn’t consider political decusion making.

Besides, these are truly incredible times. Many people I speak to are now gradually losing their confidence in any return to normality soon.
Looks like we’re all stuck with the new normal as we try to, pause for laughter, build back better.
Good advice. Everyone needs to know how money works.

One of my Hi-Fi friends came into some money (£100k) some 20 years ago and with the help of a broker he managed to invest that money across a portfolio of shares and investments.
He has a fair share of problems today, mainly health, bereavement issues and the ongoing challenges of staying on the wagon, but at least money isn’t one of them.

Some 25 years ago the British government decided to privatise some of the long held state owned utilities, water, gas, telecom etc

This appalled me and some of my left leaning friends, so we naturally refused to take advantage of what would be an obvious cash bonanza.

In the meantime others, including some politicians, were taking unfair advantage by falsely duplicating their applications, sometimes 3/4 times!
25 years later, with a great deal of real life experience behind me, I have nothing but contempt for most left leaning politicians and their supporters.

The ones that still mean well, I sympathise with. I was one of those myself until it gradually dawned on me that the world does not work like that. It never did, and as long as people remain people, it never will.

In the same position today I would take full advantage of any investment opportunities.

The principled behaviour of me and my friends back in the mod 1990s ultimately amounted to nothing at all.

So the world doesn’t work like you think and you throw your lot in with the radical right because not all left leaning politicians are honest, leaving your with totally dishonest, anti democratic right wingers financed by Putin in his quest to discredit democracies world wide.

I’d like to think I’ve thought it through a little deeper than that.
For instance I was able to observe at close hand the neverending bickering amongst mostly self serving comrades as to the best course of action going forwards.

Then came the schism between the hard line left and the so called Blairite moderates. A schism that continues today with the moderate Keir Starmer heading a Labour Party where many of its communist members are constantly seeking to undermine him.

Most importantly, in over 40 years of consideration I was unable to discover even one viable alternative to the capitalist system that we see in place today worldwide.

I could add that the powers that be in Russia, China, and Cuba etc have also been unable to come up with a viable alternative to communism. We all know what happened to the 5 year plans of Mao and Stalin, don’t we?

Capitalism, for all of its faults, may just be the best way of encouraging endeavour, creativity and drive that the human race is capable of.

Perhaps the real danger for the West is that it may not be able to compete with their less welfare orientated versions.

If there was one thing I could change right now it would be the gross inequalities of wealth between the extreme rich and the rest.

By some estimates, the richest 1% now own over 80% of all global wealth.
That’s not capitalism, that’s something bordering on evil.

’World’s richest 1% get 82% of the wealth’, says Oxfam (2018)
