Why the cost increase?

I went to buy materials for a speaker project. I also priced some T-111 siding on 8" centers, 5/8 thick, Ship lap.
I hadn’t picked up any sheets or anything in over 18 months.

48" x 96 x 5/8 wood siding was 19-26.00 and on sale 15-20.00 per sheet, NOW 74-84.00 per sheet.

MDF 3/4" 48 x 96" if you can find it. 45-55.00 per sheet it was 22.00 to 27.00 per sheet.

2x4x8 DF stud grade 1.99-3.00 per. Now 4-6.00 per stud,

There is no shortage but there sure is a LOT of price gouging. NOTHING changed. Just the price..

The quality is worse. The workers aren’t paid worth a crap...Why the increase?

I’m getting ready to finish my home out. WOW.. I might have to rethink this a bit..

The price all most tripled in 12-18 months.. This kind of stuff is NOT cool at ALL.

Just my opinion of course. Any projects you’re doing get put on hold or STOPED?

YES I’m very frugal. Money never came easy, and it leaves the same way..


Showing 17 responses by oldhvymec

Good lord health care cost just like taxes, Highest in the world. 320 million people @ 5 times the cost of any other country.. And you would think an Advil was a dime bag of heroin. And any pain killer was made by the devil. They wonder why people are dying in groves behind alcohol abuse.. and fentanyl ODs BUT they are scared to death to prescribe because of LAW SUITS and drug abuse..

People that will abuse the use of drugs is no different that the guy that is a friggin gambler, or any other addict.  It's not a doctors job to enforce the law, but help understand the reason for the use and abuse of drugs and alcohol and treat the underlying symptoms or repair what's causing the pain.. 

The number one reason for suicide and drug overdoses, is NON treatment by doctors today for pain.. People just get tired of asking for help.. 30-40 times in my life, I've seen old labors just give up behind pain and I get a phone call...

It always flip flops when Vets, Cops, and fire fighters start dropping like flies behind alcohol abuse, when they should have been on some type of pain management and lived a fairly normal life with pain maintenance and not yo yo the patients on and off until they finally go nuts..

Look a JFK, Theodore Roosevelt or the drunken drug abusing pair Clinton and Bush Junior.. War on drugs my A$$ it is still a war on the people of the USA.. What a bunch of cowards laws..

You're 18 and can go to WAR.. and get something blown OFF, here's two Tylenol call me in the morning pay the receptionist on the way OUT.. 

That's a 100.00 for a placebo talk and they actually want to get paid..

Dentist.. don't get me going..  A 3 d printer can make anything for under 300.00 bucks.. 40k for 500.00 max in parts and 2-4 hours at the most from the dentist and someone screwing in anchors.. I caught one dentist charging for gold crowns that were not gold at all. 49.00 plated crowns he was charging 1100.00 for and the RC was another 600.00. 20 minutes tops for a 3 or 4 root root canal..

His accountant was arrested for embezzlement, stealing patients checks from insurance companies that were signed over.. Tried to nick me for 5K a SECOND time behind his shifty accountant. NOPE!!

I just wanted to build a pair of SPEAKERS and FIX MY House.

Artichoke 2 for 5 dollars? Cherries 6 dollars for a bag of cherries.
BEEF, holy cow it's got to be a HOLY COW at those prices..

Wait till you go out for a night of bowling to get Roofied, to be found 3 days later missing a kidney..  CHINA, not a good place to be housed by the state. South of the border ain't much better..

Yup the skin off your A$$ on some schmuck's face in Russia or something.. Shanghaied vacationing in the Cayman Islands or some where like that... :-) :-(

That is the problem, Insurance companies see their patrons not as patients but as business assets. Heathcare is not about anyone getting rich or poor. It's a necessity of life just like good water, and clean air. Some things should just be understood, in spite of them being used to control population growth on the down low.. 

We are at 7.9 billion people on this earth..  1960  3.031 billion

India 1.366 billion
China 1.398 billion
African Continent 1.26 billion
All of Eastern Europe 292.5 million
All of Western Europe196.850 million
Scandinavia 21. million
All of the Americas 1.002 billion

120 million people are born every year, 60 million die..

850 million are undernourished. Dad and his 4 girlfriends eats fine the 12 kids between them are starving to death. World hunger? Not really. HIV infects up to 1/4 of these starving countries population..

WHO feeds the world? North and South America...

When was the last time you ate reindeer? NEVER

When do you think any eastern European or Scandinavian country's population ate BEEF.. Yesterday...

Brazil's beef is 1/2 the cost of US beef. WHY? On the hoof US beef has doubled in price over the last 18 months on CA or Nevada cattle. (4 inoculations not the 7 or 11). Good beef. I quit eating it..
If you want home-made speakers why not try the Moabs?



I want my speakers, mine, mine, mine,


I just dug out a pair of Lattice neo 8 LS speakers. They’re made from 3/4" 30 year cured apitong. That was quite the endeavor like joining steel but I couldn’t weld it.. I gotta post those pics They are suppose to set in a sand pit, metal clamp base, can change the camber, and caster.. pretty cool. LOUD like "holy cow" loud and Clear...

Who knew substance abuse and alcoholism was the fault of the healthcare and insurance system?


A long time ago I found out that 1/2 the people realize they MAY have the propensity and proclivity towards obsessive, compulsive behavior.

The other half is in 100% denial.

It’s not a matter of fault it’s a matter of FACT..

A gambler, a junkie, a travel holic or a drunk, not one bit of difference..

The question is are they aware of their OCD tendencies or are they just practicing ADDICTS? One is aware, one is in denial, BOTH need help.. Which cost less in the long run and has a much better outcome on your fellow man?

I surmise from personal experience, friendly intervention BEFORE medical intervention CAN prevent the PENAL institutions.

AS a seemingly aware individual with the country and it’s citizens in mind, which would be the better way? Friendly medical intervention, OR PENAL incarceration..

After incarceration there is only one step left. DEATH or make a choice.

One is the "American Way" the other is the "Failure of" The American Way.. Still the highest population in the western world of people in prison.

Which is 75% privatized..

50% of the people in jails are there behind VICE.

Adults don’t need a government telling them what they can and can’t do either. The right thing to do is REGULATE an tax VICE to pay for it’s regulation and medical services. Not a 50% sin tax a 2-3% CODB tax.

Super high taxes lead to one thing.. People trying to avoid them...

Thieves they let out of jail, perverts and rapist get parole and murders serve "from time served", to life.

Sounds like the Danville Fire Chief story.. How broke is that? The fireman’s pension fund sued him, what’s that saying? And he’s NOT in JAIL? But a Hooker is?

Broke?.. I think so.. Can it be fixed? Tomorrow NEVER comes.. Today is a good day to start..

WAY past time to feed the chickens..

I’ll check prices today and quality of materials. Fuel went down .20 cents a gallon. 4.50 per for regular. Now lumber.. paint is up 30% and some in limited supplies, like Rhino Coat..

Thank Master M, no one needs to ride the fence, no one needs to be left or right, BUT you sure should know, if there is not good ideas on both sided neither would have survived this long.

My fear is instead of looking at our similarities as citizens, we see our differences through the eyes of a party line.

Like Master M, I could give hoot about the boys and girls running around in DC claiming to represent the people.  It's the lobbyist they are beholding too that really pull the string or in some cases cut the strings with.  

In most countries backing the wrong pony can lead to an early political grave, Just ask Tony Blair. That country made him and his backers hang their heads in shame..

NOT here, we are just NOW pulling out of the same WAR that ruined his political career in 2007. 14 years later. 

The way they are pulling out takes me back to Carters debacle "Operation Eagle Claw".  Sure not the fault of brave men and women that supported and tried to carry out the rescue attempt. They paid with their RED WHITE and BLUE hearts..  Isn't it always the soldier and citizen that take the brunt of someone else's personal war.. BUSH JR..

How many were lost and maimed behind a BOLD FACED LIE.. The slipperiest president we EVER had President Dick Cheney.

Run a muck is the only term I can truly apply to the current state of THIS Union.. I'm just glad the lines are holding in 90% of our wonderful country and our northern neighbors..

Southern neighbors.. LOL just a little to ambitious for my liking.. Get in LINE... Fresh food, water and inoculation for your long journey BACK.. We'll call you when we need the labor, not the welfare cost increase..

Tools in hand, come on in, they came to work.. :-)


I’m not saying who is representing who in the little clip, but is anybody paying attention to ol Elmer?

He’s quit happy to blow the (big mouths) bill right off. He don’t care who he shoots, BUT he shot someone EVERY time. :-( maybe :-) I don’t know I have to think on that one..

There is a lot going on in that clip.. Master M, what do you think? :-)

Defective ACME shotgun shells, only thing I can figure.. LOL They just blow his BILL off..

"Despicable" Mercy... as he reattached his BILL.. Talking to the Rabbit not the guy that shot his dumb a$$

Kinda like what’s going on right here, Forest, Trees.. OH there is a tiger tank in the forest TOO.. (Elmer)

I say keep lookin' UP....

real meeting of the minds in here huh. lmao


Well what do you want to discuss, cornbread recipes?

Corn meal doubled. Beef tallow and lard doubled and I can't find whole buttermilk.

That's a meeting of the mimes not minds.

Today I priced butcher block that I priced last December 72" 6 foot counter top 1.5" was 99.00 now 169.00. I need 5. Two for speakers and 3 for my (4) turntable, R2R and gear display I want to finish.. Spring loaded pocket casters all the way around to match the new speaker bases.. spring casters and a silicone spring pod on them...

The casters I want to use didn't go up in price they just aren't available for 45 more day and the price is not firm according to the seller.

I'm for quit worrying and start doing. It's gonna get upside down in my life and surely in my children.. The industrial revolution is just now hitting countries like China, India and Mexico. They took what was discarded by most western countries as gross polluting factories and they are considered state of the art in ALL of those counties, NOW.

Miners in all eastern countries, horrible conditions, SUPER high death rate.. PURE Fodder just to have a job..

YET at the same time we put every one of our own factories out of business, with lower than low emissions.

i want to know if you guys think any more of the mid fi brands i'm interested in like Schiit will be following suit and raising prices. i'm interested in the monoblock life and the aegir seems like a good way to dip a toe in. are you all hearing anything about that or?


Schiit has a profit margin and they keep it close. The company is well ran from the customer view. They had some slow downs over the last year but their customer base grew. I had their little valve preamp that came out of the box with an issue. The very best customer service..

They took great care too keep a positive rapport in spite of me returning the unit..

I bet you won't see crazy hikes BUT they had to have increases, or everybody else is just full of crap.. I think there is a lot of that, too.

And I just wanted to fix my house and build a pair of new speakers.

I'll haul it in my 1996 F150 5.0, Eddie Bower. 24 mpg PICK UP.

The drivers I just picked up from Parts Express are from Taiwan.

I think the Baltic Birch is from Russia. The best price I found was 91.00 a sheet and 9.75% sales tax. Over 100.00 a sheet. A/A ply is 129.00 a sheet.

White veneer 3/4 ply (lot of voids) 75.00

100% mark up..

My first real speaker project was 2 Jensen Imperial Horns and 2 Jensen Imperial sub. 11 sheets of 1" marine plywood. One of the subs was a for buddy.

The guy at the lumber yard/John Deere/Cat/International Dealer/fruit packing shed/, had cut specs for builds in his lumber yard.
The lumber was Naval Surplus.

The guy at the Western Auto/5 and dime/pharmacy/Veterinarian/feed store, sold the drivers.

The radio/appliance/mono/stereo/ham radio/TV repair/tube supply/ military surplus guy, made the crossovers.

It all cost me 1/2 of my summer wages (with a 50% employee discount). I got the 2 MC20, Mac 30 Kit and a C20 from a retro fit at the local Masonic Lodge. They reinstalled Marantz SS gear. They kept their Imperials though.. I don't blame them.. Weighed a ton.. 2 trips in a 51 Chevy PU (short bed).

BTW I worked at all 4 places and my fathers Gas station at any given time.. No I didn't have a paper rout, my brother did, he had a rural route.
Tule Fog route..

1.00-1.75 dollar usd per hour when I started.. 1968-74

I’ve actually been thinking about going back to work.. The only issue, I’m the only one able (NOW) to pick up my Grandson. The wife can’t drive anymore (I surly don’t want her to try).

My daughter seems to forget I can earn double her wages, in the states and 3 to 4 times (if I go for pure money no bennies) out of the states. Heavy mechanics are always in demand. The question is do I want to start working in Labrador on a drilling project that will last all winter, or in the gulf where the weather is just now turning. Monsoon season, (north and south).

The biggest issue for me working in the US is the current workers compensation laws, just aren’t good enough. IF you reported injuries as the law and employers, require you too, you would never work.

BUT then IF you sustain a job stopping, life changing injury, the absolute maximum you can get NOW (100% disable) is about 150k. They rated me at 50% less than a years wages and the medical LOL. The medical pays for one thing, to asses what is wrong but there’s never any money paid on actual repairs or treatment to the patient. ONLY PT sessions twice at some astronomical price per 45 minute session.

I would have been better off in a gem.. REALLY!! Like I was for 45 years.. With a friggin paid for spotter at 50.00 per session 4 times a week with a 3k per year membership fee and it would still be 1/10 the price and 100 times the actual benefit.. PT is for after surgery.
It’s to the GYM after that..

I’m still waiting for an Insurance company to make an offer on THREE herniated disk, (two in my neck and one in my lower back), two hand repairs, stenosis surgery, pulling some old hardware out (pedicle screws and rods all solingen steel) one questionable hip, a pair of shoulders that are in constant need of attention, a whole slough of bone on bone arthritis AND of course future medical..

Its really rough being a heavy equipment mechanic. There is a whole lot more than that, that happened on the job. This is just my last 12 years and I was ground to a halt. That’s the way workers in America are treated...

They want to pay me off, what do you think that is worth after a single heart attack was 106.900.

This coming May will be 5 years. I’ve been stable for over a year. They have been arguing about grip strength (I kid you knot) for over 6 months. AND never once said anything about WHY I lost it.. My neck was broke.. 185lb grip strength to 30 (for 4 weeks) back to a stable 130 IF I hold my neck in a certain position.. and 110 in any position. I’m sure with my neck stabilized it would go up more.

I’ll never forgo a splinter working in the US again.. Everything will be reported, down to the time a day I change band aids.

90 years of service between me and my wife. The actual first time either of us reported an on the job injury. I was 61 years old, the employer fired me the following Monday.. BTW I couldn’t sign my name, I couldn’t hold a pen or pencil.

I’m glad I had money saved.. Had some property.. Had low payments..
Thank God for SS Medicare and personal supplemental insurance through my spouses retirement until BOTH of us expire.

It paid all but 117.00 on a second ambulance ride. The total was 106,900.00. Heart attack.

The real facts ARE what people have to live with every day, not hypotheticals. My situation is indicative of ALL the US’s labor force. They just aren’t taken care of financially or medically, how do you think that weighs on their mental health? How many are in half as good of shape as me? 1/2 again maybe..

Now you know WHY everyday people like me are sick of jet skiing, water skiing, snow skiing, always vacationing very seldom working, Suits and golf shirts wearing people bitching about the cost of US or any type of labor cost AT ALL.

The only labors close to being taken care of are Fireman and Policeman/women. Why the F#%K only them. Good lord I’ve worked in much harsher environments (over time) than either for 45 years.. Not 25 or 30 years with now and then, encounters for the first 10 or so.. Who stays a beat cop? Fireman in my town seldom have fire alarms, rescue and EMT, yes.. NO I wouldn’t want to be a cop.. Looting and arson are automatic capital offences.. Automatic on the spot...

In my town I can’t get cops to write a parking ticket for cars that have been by my house for 6 months.. HOW lazy is that? Parked on the corner in front of a fire hydrant for 2 weeks.. No ticket.. Call every day..

Remember the fire chief in Danville CA.. 250,000.00 a year retirement for 30 years (I think of service). 20,500.00 per month retirement.. I needed his lawyer, what a sad way of looking at things..

I NEED A BETTER LAYWER.. God forbid should I ever need to rely on that.

Remember, As George Carlin said on a few occasions.. I loved his take on golf.. Every injury those types of people ever sustained were screwing around doing anything BUT WORKING..

Gallagher works harder than most golfers, he uses a hammer.. LOL, sorry guys..:-)

He made more sense than any one I know.. Maybe my grandmother..

Long winded one.. mercy..
Fellas I’m fine, I planned for my future. It just happened a little quicker than I expected. BUT I want to share so physical working folks and non physical working folks understand.. AND never think I would have traded what I did, for someone else to do..

I enjoyed being a mechanic right up to the end, I really did.. I knew what I was going to do from age 12, never changed..

Like a tree surgeon, concrete workers, plasters, brick and stone masons, nurses, healthcare workers, glazers, carpenters, mechanics, farm workers, fire and police, iron workers, pile butts, drillers, equipment operators, miners, LABORS and any one I forgot, PLEASE forgive me. That 10-15% is the ones doing the work.. 50% of them do most or all of their own work and swap between themselves what they can’t do.

Teachers, Fed and few state workers, (not most) I got a real problem with.. No Work, No EAT....YOUR FIRED... No performance, no pay..
The grounds keepers have to show up to mow the lawns for the schools BUT the teachers don’t have to show up, or refuse to show up to teach people. OK..

I just want to see people paid for what they do.. Keep the grounds keeper get rid of the teachers that don’t want to work and keep the ones that do, along with more grounds keepers (to teach the kids TOO) ;-)

I’m having a tough time with the governments approach especially on the FED side to the shut down ..SS is still shut down and refuses to re open to the public. You or me cannot get a phone appointment. Paper work is to be sent in BLIND, no one will sign for registered mail. They won’t give their names on the phone..

They can’t speak English worth a CRAP, in an America SS office.. If I couldn’t understand Spanish pretty well, the last TWO times I couldn’t have understood the SS worker.. HER English was that broken, just horrible.. I told her to explain in Spanish if it was easier.. It was for me too. I got 1/2 of what she said as opposed to 10%

Ladies and gentleman we have an agency that is completely rogue as far as who is accountable to who.. A guard greets you at the door to tell you to call, to be told to send in (9 month and waiting) paper work to SS but not the local office, the one in ???? land. No idea what the response times are, 2-5 months..

So I'm clear what use to take 2 hours TOP in a SS office and maybe a 30 day wait, now takes over a YEAR!!!
14 months. AND they are getting PAID... I had to do this twice before. I was pretty easy.. 20K + they OWE ME..

Every other call you'll be hung up on. You'll hear the person answer the phone, laugh and hang up.

Who do you call to get the LAZY A$$ county off it’s DEAD A$$ and work for what they are being paid..

Any one person got an answer? ANYONE? Is there a congressman or woman or a senator or someone that can get this broken buggy going again.. The heck with the carrot, I say use the STICK...

Where is that crap stirrin’ Hoffa when you need him..;-)

T-111 10 foot 5/8 tongue and groove 159.00 a sheet. from 79.00 more than doubled... My income is 1/4 what it use to be.. LOL Glad I planned..

All for just peanuts Master M..

I'm 100% with you, every situation, and every room is different.

The key is the attention to OUR OWN ears in our OWN ROOM.

No 3, are the same.. Left eat, right ear, or room.. :-)

Put up some pic let me see your new creation. It might motivate my lazy old self. 

Here is a good one. I been trying to figure out a sound change in the listening room I'm using.. Two weeks I been wondering what changed.

LOL I got new glasses, with MUCH taller and wider lenses. 

I put my old glasses back on and it was like magic.. :-)

One for the books and nugget to some.. Take off your glasses and listen.. It makes a difference.. LOL

With open ears and an open mind.. Thanks for sharing your nugget,

I think we ALL need a break from the C.O.L.  increases to everything.
Great low cost working solutions, (NOT TRYING) that produce quality results is the real name of the game.. 

Other than setting up the my last room, which is last on the house repair list. I'm very close.. A building storage staging shed (pretty easy).

I need to clear the room and set my equipment rack in the front wall.
Tune the 128 CF front in wall traps. Add a few trinkets. Paint and then hang the heavy acoustic curtain (diffuser/dampeners).

2 days max and forklift in the Elixirs, MB columns and GRs Servo system.. I'm thinking Christmas.

LOL it's only been a 37 year plan.. Everything is coming together though.

A lot of gear is leaving too. Time to clean up, and collect up.. I have quite a few vintage Mac pieces and a few other collectables.. Very conservative 50k 65 is closer..

I'm looking at a 5 acre empty lot, good soil.. 18 feet A.S.L. in the delta..
LOL There is a river boat I had my eye on for 20 years.. Like the old paddlewheel Riverboat.. Why not? Beach the BOAT on the 5 acres and have a hootenanny. Call it good.. :-) 20,000 feet of living space on that thing..

Well thanks again for everyone’s concern. I’m better off than most.

Happier than most and blessed in spite of my own self.. LOL

I can report the sun came up and it is HOT, 104 degrees (F) in the shade on a dead lawn. :-)

Supplies are still in short supply and prices are NOT going down. They are stable, at this time. 

My only real issue is the SS thing.. They closed all offices May of 2020, and haven't been opened to the public sense. THAT is the real ticker for me. Not that it effect me so much but that they are ALL being paid to still come to work..

You would think they would be very fast with less than 1 in 1000 being let in the front door. Just people with NO SS numbers are allowed appointments.. So why is it taking so long to get things done. I'm at 10 months and waiting.. It's really time to flush that toilet. I want to know why offices designed solely for PUBLIC access to Social Security workers is closed. I MEAN NOT WORKING!!! They are inside the building but NOT greeting customers, with a big smile and "what can I do for you"?

Time to picket the joint and get a news agency or two down there to ask WHY people are in an office but NOT greeting customers.. 50 years I paid the PIG... :-) Master M..

Good to hear from zapaemi, welcome to AG.

jond, 100% on the healthcare issue

Master M always good to hear from you. Still tinkering away? A kindred spirit indeed. It’s humbling to know such people.

With great respect and regard to all.

I bit you adieu.
What else is there, roxy54..

Here today, gone tomorrow, the only real thing is "right now" and my dreams.

Be well.