Why so much????

In response to a post appearing here yesterday a number of 'AGon-people' claimed to have CD and vinyl collections numbering in the hundreds and even thousands. Other posters questioned the need for so much music (impossible to listen to all of it!) while others spoke of a pissing contest among the 'overly endowed'.
Your thoughts are requested for the following questions:
1) How much is too much?
2) To those with so much...Why? What's your rationale?
3) Are you crazy?

Just curious. I'll give my thoughts later.

Showing 1 response by tfkaudio

About a month ago, I was looking at my shelves of CDs for something to play. I pulled out "Empty Glass" by Pete Townshend, and as I was reveling in the uninhibited rage of "Rough Boys" I realized that I was listening to the first CD I ever bought.

Why so much? I agree. CD's should cost less. I bet I'd have twice as many then.
