Why so many Sony Scd-1 for sale?

I know it was the first one. But why now?

Showing 2 responses by jwmazur

I thought mine were rather unspectacular, at first. I owned two; sent the first one down the road. I came back. I still have the second one. I went back to it because I did hear the smoothness and promise of what was possible. So, I had it partially hot rodded. Now, it's easy to get lost in the music. I have more room to hot rod. It gets even better?

I considered selling my second one recently while looking into multi-format, rather than spending the money on modifications. I asked for opinions. One dealer who has heard one of the well-regarded-as-of-late players said that the SACD performance of the SCD-1 is so black-quiet vs. the other player. Other opinions as to whether I should sell came back pro and con but, a statement I heard commonly was that there probably won't be such a well designed, solid player to enter the market again.

I also went to the online magazine, Positive Feedback Online, and looked at the systems of each reviewer and would guess that around 40% of the reviewers owned the SCD-1. Hmmmm...
Phild-The Sony project manager even admitted that they couldn't take this to the level they thought it could go as far as the electronics. The build quality and the transport section are the remarkable things of this unit. Just saw the Luxman-oooooh!