Why so many Sony Scd-1 for sale?

I know it was the first one. But why now?

Showing 2 responses by aball

Yes, probably coincidence. Go Elizabeth, go!!

Also, Sony is a big company that makes many of each component so the market is largely flooded, even with SCD-1s. But as Elizabeth points out, this isn't always the case. I am glad to see someone else thinks the same as me ;) Arthur
I have noticed that sales of a particular component comes and goes like the tide. Each set of waves within tide represent a different group of people buying the component. It always starts off with the guy who must buy new and is a dealer's buddy for equipment trade-ins. Thankfully for them, there are those at the next tide who only buy slightly used ones, then the next tide are those who look for bargains on yesterday's big names (like me ;), etc. With each tide comes a new rush of sales followed by a vanishing act where you hardly see them on the market for a few months. Anyway, just like everything else in life, it just acts in waves. Then, to perpetuate the cycle, people come to new conclusions on...the tide of the latest and greatest new products! Anyway, it's my observation and it seems to fit the data in most cases. Arthur