Why So Many Raidho Speaker For Sale?

If Raidho speakers are so great, why are there so many pairs for sale here?  These are not inexpensive speakers by any means and it seems at least every other day there is a pair for sale with some people having them only a few weeks to a few months, and they are really taking a bath on them.  What gives?  Are they not as great as they are made to be?  Is Jonathan Valin a shill for the company?

I heard the 4.1 diamond at Blink High End north of Boston and was very unimpressed.  I have heard many other highly regarded speakers for much less money sounding wonderful.  So, what gives?


Showing 6 responses by chronoglidesky

I have been to Blink High End numerous times recently and as far as I know they don't have D4.1s. So how did you got to hear them? Tim said he was not going to get them either.
Also, you say that you never heard the D5s ... how is this possible as Blink have D5s on a permanent basis - so the likelihood of you NOT hearing the D5s is very small indeed if you were in their showroom ... something's not right here ...

I am a Raidho owner (D3s), and as such I have an interest in knowing what the "stats" are regarding volume and prices here on a'gon.
It seems that the number of D-level speakers offered for sale was (and remains) pretty small (including dealers).
Not sure exactly what evidence stereo5 has for stating "there so many pairs for sale". As far as I see it the volume was small and commensurate with the price-band (very high = not many, very low = lots).
However, stereo5 does make a valid point wrt price/quality -- no-one will ever get that equation fully solved. I was probably in attendance when Mr. stereo5 heard the D5s (there was an open house at Blink). They sounded good, but were we also hearing the mega-high-end Aavik mono blocks and pre-amp which were used also?
Staging and depth was generally terrific but a couple of highly rhythmic tracks did seem to lack a certain "punch" -- but then again adding a pair of JL subs into the mix could be a winning combo (per Jonathan Vallin's recent review).
One observation I have wrt pre-owned availability & numbers ... I certainly have noted a large number of D'Agostino Momemtums for sale (not only in US but also in UK). Do I read anything sinister here or is this an artifact of D'Agostino's market share/dominance? Ditto for Wilson speakers?

Finally: bo1972's comment wrt use of diamond of a load of codswallop - the drivers in D-series have fully diamond coatings, diamond coating over ceramic. This is achieved using a very high Voltage bath which "fires" carbon atoms at exceedingly high velocity [resulting in the impact pressure being exceedingly high]. This technology is well-established in scientific instrument manufacture (i.e., for electronic microscopes) and does take a LOT of energy and a lot of time (ceramic "coating" takes about 5-6 days for a 6in driver and diamond coating adds an extra few days on to of that).
Scansonic are indeed "the poor mans Raidho" ... the blurb I heard by the distro (at AXPONA) was that "Scansonic have a lot of the Raidho DNA" since Michael Borreson designed both - which seems to be a reasonable claim.
Hearing that top-of-the-line  Raidho-Aavik-Ansuz system all together (at Blink) was great, but it's hard to judge exactly *what* I heard other than I heard one bad muvva of a system, unobtainable by a mere mortal like myself ... but there certainly is some deep discounting to be had for ex-demos in the high-end in general - per A'gon listings.

One thing I *cannot* criticize about Raidhos is the top end range. I live with these speakers and that tweater and they work wonderfully well for all sorts of music (from [glorious] pre-war Delta blues to modern minimal techno dub), so the comment by bo1972 is one I really cannot agree with. But that's OK, each to their own.

I must admit - I was also torn between Rockports and Raidhos. I will certainly demo Rockports along with Raidho's when I next upgrade.
I bought Raidho's 'cos they beat the pants off other speakers I auditioned in my price range. Yes, they cost $55k+, but I had the money. I wanted them ... so I bought them... the American Dream in action.
I heard other speakers that cost more, but I was left under-whelmed. I heard others that cost less but they missed the mark. The Raidho's hit the sweet spot. I am very happy with my D3s and have NO buyers remorse.
Could I have given the money to saving some Syrian refugees? Sure, but I didn't 'cos I don't give a monkey's uncle about them. Could I have saved some kids in Africa? Sure, but I didn't - for the same reasons (I don't give a *&^%).

If you're too poor to buy Raidho's - stop whining. Save your cash, buy them and *then* comment (a 10min crappy "demo" at a show playing Vanessa Fernandez [agghhh] doesn't count). As for me, I am too poor right now to buy Rockport Arrakis, Magico Q7s or Raidho D5s ... but you don't hear me whining. One day I will ... unless I give it all away to Save The Children ... but that's not likely to happen anytime soon.
Selfish, instantaneous, personal gratification is what America is all about IMO. Anyway, by buying "over-priced" Danish imports will mean some of my hard earned cash will, eventually, through Dantax A/S taxes (or other routes), get to the Danish government -- only for it to be spent on saving some Syrians from terror (or whatever, ZZzzz). So, in my own, small-minded and selfish way, I am doing MY bit for saving these people. Can you say the same? No!
You cheapskates intent on spending only a few pennies on domestic Hi-Fi are NOT Saving The Children (unlike me) Ha!, twisted logic in action.
In other words: "buy Raidho, save a Syrian"  ...  could this be the end of this thread? Hope so.

What about The Electric Recording Co charging 300 quid (or more for a re-issue classic LP? Maybe I should start a new one for that.
System "synergy" is a very valid point. I find Magico's very clinical ... but then I heard them through different amps and hey-presto, a much more delightful sound, no longer clinical. Same goes for Raidho ... my humble Chord Electronic set-up works fine with them, but probably less so with [fill in blank].

The issue of the SYSTEM is really important.
It is physically impossible to comment on a product in >pure isolation< (that cannot happen, by definition). I suspect the issue of >system< synergy has been discussed previously in depth, but I must have missed it.

The notion of an absolute reference upon which to judge a single component them swapping out the component under examination seems valid. But is it fool-proof? I suspect not.