Why So Many Raidho Speaker For Sale?

If Raidho speakers are so great, why are there so many pairs for sale here?  These are not inexpensive speakers by any means and it seems at least every other day there is a pair for sale with some people having them only a few weeks to a few months, and they are really taking a bath on them.  What gives?  Are they not as great as they are made to be?  Is Jonathan Valin a shill for the company?

I heard the 4.1 diamond at Blink High End north of Boston and was very unimpressed.  I have heard many other highly regarded speakers for much less money sounding wonderful.  So, what gives?


Showing 21 responses by bo1972

When a speaker is being seen a lot on the internet for sale there is a reason for sure? When people are not convinced or happy they will sell it. This is how the world of audio works.

At many shows we found the speakers often rather stressed in sound. I think this can be a reason why you find them a lot used on the internet.
When people would have had more knowledge and insight they would never bought them. During different shows we visited we heard the saturation of the tweeter. Beside this they can create stage depth and width. There are enough who are a lot better in this part.

A dealer overhere who sells them is the person who also is the distributer. He buys them for 3.0. So he has a lot of % to give a discount. Even for this money they are still rather expensive.

The other drivers also often showed difficulties during shows. It is a pitty that the knowlegde and insight of people who work in audio is limited these days. This also works negative on consumers. Raidho is only one example of that, because there are many others.

You need to understand that the problems start at the magazines. These days many people buy speakers based on reviews. Many reviews are paid these days, the text you read it often not the truth.

That is why I always ask to my clients: What do you want to hear? The truth or the thing you would like to hear.....
I will be there soon. I can promise I will change the Audio world for many people. I will give many people a superior level in sound than what is possible at this moment.

I will share my knowledge so many people can listen music to a new level.  I can connect the music with people.

We are now busy with our new website. I will be a new level in sound&vision what is not there in the world yet. We will also make a professional webblog.

With our Statement Audio Pro measurement it will be so much easier for many people to create a stunning level in sound at any place regarding the acoustics.

In almost 2 years of time we have done so much research that we can outperform any company in audio regardless price. And we will proof it with sound. Sound tells the truth.

Each single person will choose for the sound what has the highest level of emotion and intensity. That is why we sell a sound instead of products. Tru-Fi is what we create. Each set created by Tru-Fi will outperform any set created by the silly way of trial and error. This is based on the fact that the level of emotion and diversity is of a much higher level.

Supremacy overrules everything
The way audio is being exposed these days in 10 years the market will be so much smaller. We all see it during audio shows. The average age is getting older each year.

They are not able to create a better quality for consumers. Besides this younger people are not interested in audio as we are. They cannot adapt, this is what is needed.

They only way you can reach more younger people is to create a much higher level in quality for reasonable prices.

Audio is a decreasing market, and the people who work in it are only making it worse. You see that most decisions which are made are all based on short time notice.

The use of cheaper parts is a good example of it. Most people in audio cannot think further, when you are this blind you should not be working in audio.

When I would write about brands overhere, Audiogon will delete my message direcly. They are paid by the brands. This way everyone is covering the backs of others. Consumers are the ones who get less for their money.
In the last 2 years I met different people who had the feeling that they were screwed. For me it was diffucult to understand why they bought it. Because they are aware now that what they bought was very poor.

Here you will find the critical part. They buy it often based on confidence in the sales person. When the set was ready they still were not happy.

Often the sales person says: it needs time. They keep on repeating this. Each set I create sounds very good at the first day. After some time even stunning.

Consumers trust the people who sell audio. These days many of them are not honest and second not well educated in knowledge and insight in audio.

Even when we visit shows and there are manufacturers who do the presentation the results are often poor. We see a big lack in knowledge and insight in audio even at manufacturers and distributers.

The word what I hear from people who own a shop or who are a distributer is surviving. They need to pay their bills at the end. This has a huge and negative influence on the level in quality consumers get these days.

This makes it clear why the audio market is a decreasing market. They do not have the power and knowledge to change it. And hat I said earlier: THIS IS WHAT IS NEEDED NOW.

The way they work and think now will have a very bad influeunce on the market. You can’t go on this way.
I give you another example; Monitor Audio loudspeakers are made in China. The build a factory overthere. The have the stock still in England. It is about 30-40% cheaper no to create them. This gives us a better price for the speakers.  It effects labour in their own country.

The biggest problem in audio is that people build their system on trial and error. We think that this way we will get the sound we prefer and the best sound possible.

In real this doesn't make any sense at all. In real it is a very ineffective way of creating an audio system.

When you are not able to think and work in properties, you never will understand why the sound and stage is what you hear.

Even simple questions in our world could not be answered by many people who work their whole live in audio.

I give you an example: A person who is distributer of different highend brands. He sell speakers who also make loudspeakers of over 500.000 dollar.

I asked him the next question: Can you tell me which properties I take out when I replace your loudspeaker by the B&W 800D3?  (we were talking about this speaker) And which properties you bring in when you connect the B&W?

He said: I don't know. So I said: This means that you don't have any idea why the stage and sound is what you hear?

He said: I think you are right. So I said: It is not about if I am right, you need to understand that the way you create audio is just a matter of luck.

Music is all about emotion. The emotion is inside the music. You need to understand how humans experience emotion in music. That is why we work by Tru-Fi. These are 8 parts you judge sound for. Each single part even infle\uences our emotion.

That is why each set created by Tru-Fi will outperform any set created by trial and error. And you know why?

Because it is more complete and owns a much higher level of emotion. This is choosen by each person. Because humans prefer a more emotional and intense sound.

There is a main reason why many sets often at shows sounds so poor. When you are not able to understand the properties (DNA) of the speaker you never will be able to use all the properties and at the right way.

We can judge each single set by Tru-Fi and all sets at shows are incomplete. We can explain with facts what is missing. This is why Tru-Fi outperforms any way of the silly trial and error.

Beside this people in audio almost have no knowledge in electricity, smog, acoustics, music, magnetism and many other parts.

This is why only a very small % of the whole quality of a loudspeaker could create is being used. And that is why buying very expensive audio stuff is not the answer.

When we visit clients the first time I often give an indication of how low the % is what they are using of the loudspeaker. At shows you see the same kind of poor level.

The main reason why people sell their stuff all the time for new parts is based on the fact that any kind of 2 dimensional sound never will be liked for a longer period of time. This is based on our emotion.

With 2 dimensional sound (most people own a 2 dimensional audio system) the distance between you and the music is bigger. When you go to a 3 dimensional sound it connects you so much more with the music.

In over 7 years of time we brought many people from 2D to 3D systems. We never will sell any kind of 2 dimensional audio again. It influences people a lot.

All the people who own a 3 dimensional set now use their sets so much more often and for a longer period at the same time.

I did run an audioshop from 2007-2009. I had a 2 dimensional set always set up and a 3 dimensional set. When you let people hear the difference between the 2 you see in their exitement and face how big the differences are.

And now comes the most important part. I learned in this period that when you let women listen to a 3 dimensional system they also start to like music and audio a lot more. Many of the women of my clients use the 3 dimensional sets of their partner. When this would be a 2 dimensional set they never would have used it.
The new Monitor Audio Platinum loudspeakers are one of the best we ever auditioned to show the differences in height of all the voices and instruments. For example: the Wilson Audio Sasha was not even able to show us the differences in height.

This is what we call highend++, it makes music so much more exiting. The new AMT tweeter also often let you hear the space of the room even infront of the loudspeakers. Besides this it can create a huge deep and wide stage.

An AMT tweeter creates a much bigger soundstage than a dome tweeter. It is also able to give a much sharper ( intimate) focus of instruments and voices. 

The big advantage we have now is that some techniques and systems bring audio to a superior and new level. When you go to shows it looks like we go back in time. When you don't have any idea of many aspects in audio you will stay on the same level for a long time.
I met a person who has done the marketing for big companies in the world. Audio is his biggest hobby  what counts for many of you who are here at Audigon I guess.

I started in 2010 with acoustic measurments. In 2012 I started with S.A.P.-measurment. We improved it during time. Even in 2016 I was able to bring to an even higher level.

Beside this I have done a lot of reseach in electricity, smog, magnetism and other things what influences audio. I communicate a lot with specialists in different parts. I use their technical support to create things I have in my head.

At this moment there are different products I have in my head what will bring audio to a much higher level than the poor level what we hear now. The things I created are so much more effective than other stuff in audio.

The problem in audio is that people almost don't test and communicate with other people. It looks like audio is freezed. When you do research you will see how much there is to improve.

In vision we do the same. We just bought the best Calman (Studio) system to calibrate screens and projectors. In my world to need to push the limits tot the max. Only the best is what matters, everything below it is for losers.

You need to think and work in properties. When you are not able to think in properties you can’t create 3 dimensional sound.

This is based on the fact that you need amps, sources and speakers  who can create a deep and wide stage. Because most brands and products are 2 dimensional. Even with cables you can influence the stage depth and width negative.

S.A.P. measurements brings 3 dimensional sound also to a much higher level. There are many other things what is very important.

I have done a lot of research this year in diversity in the middle frequencies. Because this is the most important part to create emotion for us humans.

This makes a huge difference. I saw people cry when I let hem hear my improvements in this part.

I created Statement Audio Pro-measurement, this will bring audio for many people to a much higher level. We will share it with manufacturers. Beside this we have done so much reseach in sound and created many more things. The problem is what I call: audio blindness.

Audio blindness means that you don’t understand what you are doing. Based on trial and error audio always will be a big guess. People make many mistakes as well.

When I am at a show before I listened to the set I already see how many mistakes they make. For me audio is like a game against children. Because the distance between our quality and those of others is planets away.

I am addict to music and sound. Each day I test and it never stops. For a perfectionist only the best counts. It needs to become better over and over again. I created a big leap between me and the rest.

Now it is time to share it. I know it will make many people very happy.

Even beside the price for free I would not want a Radiho. I can proof by Tru-Fi that the Pl-500 is superior to any Radiho loudspeaker.

I dare Radiho for a battle, because audio is all about shootout. The sound tells the truth, a paid review does not say a thing.

The Pl-500 outperforms the Raiho in speed and realism. I can show that in differences in height the Radiho even can’t compete.

The AMT tweeter of the P-500 is superior in all parts compared to the ribbon tweeter of the Radiho.

Beside this in stage depth and width the Pl-500 can create a much bigger stage. I want audio to be fought out in ’real’ shootouts. It is time customers get more value for their money.

I will protect the audio lovers!
When you create audio by Tru-Fi, you can use the full DNA of a loudspeaker. This makes a huge difference when you would have created your set by trial and error.

Based on properties, the differences between the Pl-500 and the Raidho loudspeakers become a lot bigger when you use the speakers at a higher level.

Audio needs parameters, now it is a loose world. Many brands use the word highend, in real it has nothing to do with it.

Using the same parameters will give a more realistic and honest view of an audio product.
Do you really think that when a loudspeaker (Raidho D-5.1) costs 225.000 dollar that it should be good? Most people will think that it needs to be awesome for this money.

Written words people see as the truth. Raidho uses the word Diamond like B&W uses the word Diamond as well. But in real we are talking about a ribbon tweeter for the Raidho and B&W is only jusing a dome tweeter.

And again I ask this question? What do you want to hear? The truth or the thing you would like to hear?

At the end there are people who will buy it. When most people have no reference frame you can sell them whatever you want. People who has the money could buy it. A nice story in an audio magazine will cover it up.

You can compare audio with the election in the US. People get the feeling that the government is not honest and never will be there for you.

Do you really think that most people in audio will be there for you? They do it most of all for their own benefit. I don’t see any protection for costomers. It is not that different compared to the government of the US.

The problem is that people are not able to look further. They focus on their life and on their pesonal needs. What does looking further really mean?

This means that you are able to think what others would think besides your own thoughts.

You are not able to look further as well. It is not about me, it is about others. Your Government needs to look after you.

Like audio needs to look after the people who love music and audio. Products needs to be created for the 'real' needs of people. And not created for own personal benefit.

When you look after other people, you will get back more respect and you will sell more. It is all about focus. They are blinded by the money. That is why they focus on short term distance.

It is all about looking further. The main reason why  audio is still at a low level is based on the fact that they are not able to look further.

I can garantee you that when you look further you will understand that there is a lot more. At this moment only a very low level in quality is being used in audio. Only research and the gutts to look further will create new inside information and knowledge.

This will give people a lot more quality in sound than what they give to you at this moment. The sound always will tell the truth!
The last time we auditioned Raiho speakers it was done by the distributer. During listening we heard ( again) the distortion in the tweeter. We had the same experience in some shows at the past.

There was some depth, but for these prices I want a holographic stage to die for. And not just some depth.

The only reason why they use small drivers is based on the looks. They are small, but the drivers are not capable of playing loud.

Often the sound became stressed but also harsh in the mid en high frequencies.

Listen to an AMT tweeter, and you never want any Diamond dome or beryllium dome back.

With the cheaper Mcintosh the 802D3 sounded stressed and very unpleasent. For the Utopia line of Focal we had several demos with the same kind of problems in the high frequencies.

Even the expensive Sonus Faber showed us many sss in the high frequencies. It is time to quit dome tweeters. Ribbon is a nice technique, but compare it to AMT. And you will think differently.

It sounds so much more natural without any stress. The stage is so much bigger. When you hear the same music with all the differences in height of the instruments and voices the music is played in a different league.

This league needs to be played and heard. And then we will talk again!
We always visit shops, distributers or show with several people. We always speak with many people in audio after shows. It is not an opinon just by me.

I would like to see that audio will use parameters. Because differences in stage depth and width between speakers is huge. The only thing you can read is that it can create depth.

And those who are not bale to create depth, you won’t read.

When music is being played in a much bigger holographic stage, the music creates a totally different impact on your emotion. The same you can be told about individual focus of instruments and voices.

The AMT tweeter and other drivers used in the new Monitor Audio Platinum series showed us how big the difference are between it and the Wilson Audio Sasha.

You can hear details which were not there with the Sasha. Beside this the energy of all the instruments is fully free of the loudspeaker. When a piano attack is being played at the same height as you hear in real it had a differerent effect on you during lsitening. It is a feeling of exitment.

When trumpets and high hats are played a lot higher as in real listening to music is played in a different league. This is what highend audio needs. A sound and stage as in real. Music and audio is all about emotion.

The material and techniques Monitor Audio uses in the new Platinum series give you much more layers and intensity during listening. It is all about timing and response.

Read this review:


When you say that the AMT tweeter is bright I will not even take you serious. We never auditioned any tweeter with this level of authority.


The differences are that huge. The ribbon tweeter of the older could become a little bright with the wrong electronics.

The biggest problem in audio is that people cannot think and work in properties. We see this back that almost all shops demo Monitor Audio with 2 dimensional amps and sources.

There are many products which use the word highend what only can create less than 1 metre of stage depth. THIS IS A HIFI STEREO PARAMETER. But when audio does not say this, you can say anything. And people will believe it is highend audio.
I sold Nordost for over 9 years of time. I never sold a full Nordost set. Because Nordost is what we call: incomplete.

We added Kimber intererconnects so the stage became deeper and wider. And we got a sharper (intimate) individual focus of instruments and voices. And a more involving (richer) mid frequencies.

I never said Nordost is bad or worse. You need to understand the properties first before you can use it the best way.

Audioquest is more complete what makes it easier to use and sell.

I owned the Valhalla loudspeakercabel for over 12 years of time. When we did a shootout between the latest Redwood and the Valhalla, it became clear that time and properties overruled the Valhalla.

Audio is all about properties and emotion. When a set owns more differerent properties you create a higher level of emotion.

Each single person will choose for the most emotional (complete) sound. When we lsiten to most sets, sets are incomplete. When you add different properties to this set, it becomes a lot more emotional and intense.

Music is all about emotion. The emotion is inside the music, not in your system. You need to understand first how the human emotion works and how emotion is being created.

That is why we work and think by Tru-Fi. I never met a person who said my set is better than what you create by Tru-Fi. We invite people to hear our set. We explain each part you judge sound for.

Each set what is being created by Tru-Fi is complete and very emotional and intense. This has nothing to do with personal taste. It is build on parameters you judge sound for.

When people listen to Tru-Fi, often within 1 minute they say; this is what I want. It is sound what is based on the human hearing and emotion. Nothing more, nothing less.

In over 7 years of time I brought many people from 2D to 3D sound. Beside the stage I created a lot more diversity in the whole frequency range. I gave the sound a much sharper (intimate) and realistic individual focus of instruments and voices.

So many sets were incomplete and are now complete. Many of these people were always busy with their set and changing parts. When I asked them; do you buy a lot of music? Often they said; first I want my set to be ready. Many were busy for years.

When you bring people from an incomplete sound/set to a Tru-Fi (complete) system it changes the use of their system completely.

Our clients often use the words; addicitve sound. When a sound/system becomes physical, 3 dimensional and very involving you can’t stop listening. The emotion you can reveal of the music is so much bigger.

Till januari 2016 I believed that an audio system is a matter of personal taste. Until a client of mine said: you have proven that Tru-Fi will outperfrom and be liked by each single person.

When he said this: the first thing what I thought was; you are wrong. I coudn’t say anything to him.

I needed time to think: after some time I said: I think audio is still a mater of personal taste.

He said; no you are wrong. Because a system created by Tru-Fi owns a much higher level of emotion and intensity. You have proven this to me.

At this point; for the first time I thought; he could be right.

We work by properties. New products we first test to find out what the DNA is. We label it with the properties it ownes. Based on the properties and comparison with competitors we see if it is better and something we would like to sell.

I had many expensive sets, but most people never will spend this kind of money on audio. I wanted to give them the same kind of exitement and intensity I already owned. By research I found out that all Monitor Audio speakers could create a deep and wide stage.

This only can be achieved with amps and sources who also can create a deep and wide stage. In 2010 I was able to create a 3 dimensional system under 2000 euro. The joy and exitement this gives to people is priceless.

With our way of measuring a room we were able to create a stunning sound even in the worst acoustics.

That is why we want to share it now so many people will have a much higher qualtiy and emotion in sound.

Diversity in the middle frequencies is the most important part to feel emotion during listening to music. All the sets we auditioned during a big audio show had almost no diversity in the middle frequencies.

They don’t understand how diversity can be created or improved. This is what is needed to create a much more emotional and intense sound.

This only can be reached when you are able to work and think in properties. Or you go back to trial and error. I can proof by facts and understood by each single person that a system created by trial and error is incomplete. Because this is how we work.

We use different songs to explain to people what each part of Tru-Fi means and does. We want to go even further in this. We want to use different Conservatory students.

We want to explain and show what intimate sound means and does with our emotion. I want to give people the same experience I had what made a huge impact on me how I use audio these days.

It is our goal to give people more the same feeling as how music sounds in real. Without acoustic limitations. And played fully free and physical in a space.

The big advantage about time is that it can be created for much lower prices. And now we want to share it with manufacturers so many people can use it.

The limitation in audio is that when you create a system by trial and error you still don’t know why the stage and sound is what you hear.

Audio is all about properties and understanding why the sound and stage is what you hear.

This makes it possible to control it a lot better. When you don’t spend time in reserach in properties, human hearing, human emotions, electricity, magnetism, smog and the acoustic it is not possible to understand and control it.

The acoustics has by far the biggest influence on each audio system. That is why we have spend by far the most time in reseach of the acoustics.

We understand that Tru-Fi is totally different than the trial and error way of creating an audio system. But trial and error has proven that for many people it never will work.

I have spoken to many people who are in audio for a long time. I was surprised how many were not that happy with their set. I was also surprised how many people had not bought music for a long time.

You can never become happy with any set without music.

It is very simple; when you want to know the real quality of a loudspeaker you need to use the same parameters over and over agian.

In tests they show us different measurements. These measurements does not say anything about the real sound, stage, individual focus, diversity in sound, heights of instruments and voices.

Audio is about the real quality, it is not about sales. Bose spends the most money on advertisement of all brands. Does this say anything about the real quality? No it does not.

These days money and commercial impact have a big influence on how many of audio products are sold. At the end it does not garantee you anything.

We agreed that these days many reviews are paid. So do these reviews say anthing about the real quality? It does not.

The question is what is the real quality of a product?

The way of how audio is being sold and promoted has little to do with honesty and realism. Audio is a decreasing market. The way they work, the market is getting smaller each year.

When you want to change this, there is only one solution. Giving people more qualtiy for the money they spend. This is the only way to get more people interested in audio.