Why so many angry audiophiles?

Just wondering. Music is supposed to soothe the soul. If you are in reasonably good health for your age, have a good system and good music to play on it you have it pretty good it seems to me. These are blessings! Be thankful for what you got?

Just a thought.  That's how I see it.

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Perhaps because of my age I have recently developed a certain intense dislike for the over abundance of self-righteousness I perceive around me in social media as well  as another forms of media.  Regardless of the subject matter politics, religion, love, sexual inclinations, and yes speakers and cables,  ..I forgot the great dialectic about analog versus digital ,  it appears that this psychological malady is permeating our social fabric. Since I think it would be challenging to treat those individuals suffering from this malady, the best we can do is to treat its manifestation, so it does not infect the rest of us. How?  Since ego plays such important role in the attitude of the self-righteous a possible solution is the use of shame. Hence language is the tool, we should not stand indifferent or silent to any instance, but point out how laughable that utterance is, the intensity of the ridicule measured to the degree of stupidity of the  self-righteous manifested in its message, not only based on its content but as important in the tone of voice used to deliver it. 
I hope I am forgiven, it’s too early and I have not had my first cup of coffee.