I'm a newbie here over the past few months as I've gotten back into audio, so I'm hardly qualified to give an opinion on the quality or utility of individual components. I'll just note that the OP's complaint could really cut both ways on these boards. For every skeptic who questions the ROI of dropping megabucks on cables and interconnects, there are just as many high enders who look down their noses at value priced components ("mid-fi, at best" seems to be the mantra). It seems like in both directions these judgments are passed without the benefit of actually hearing the component in question.
And I have to add, I have friends who have traded their Porsches for Mustang Cobras, and no knowledgeable auto enthusiast would overlook the capabilities of a performance-focused Mustang. The two cars have very different means of accomplishing the same results (going very fast around a track), but it really comes down to how you want to get there.